Applying to St. Cloud State University
Go to Click on “APPLY ONLINE”
Click on “Apply Online!”
Click on “Start Application”
1. Personal Information Fill out all required information, then click “Next” at the bottom of the page.
2. Demographics Information on this page is not mandatory, fill out if you wish or skip to the bottom and click on “Next”.
3. High School Fill out all required information. Do not fill out the “Preparation Standards” area Click “Next” at the bottom of the page
4. Higher Education Select “No” and click “Next” at the bottom of the page.
A.Under “Application Type” choose “Post- Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Student” B.Under “Academic Term” select the first available option C.Under “Select A Campus” choose “SCSU Concurrent Enrollment” (make sure “St. Cloud State University” is unchecked) D.“Have you ever attended St. Cloud State University before?” Click appropriate answer. E.Click “Next” 5. Application Information
A.Skip down to “Select the option that best describes your current educational goal:” and choose “Complete courses, but not a degree” B.Under “Which option best describes you?” choose “Part Time Student” C.Click “Next” 6. Educational Intent
7. Additional Information Skip “Additional Information” and click “Next” at bottom of page
Enter you date of birth * or social security number and click “Next” at the bottom of the page. *Date of birth is required to assist in identifying your individual record.
8. Review and Submit Review all information for accuracy 1.Check the box confirming you want to submit your application 2.Click on “Submit Selected Applications” 1
Create Your Account Fill out information and click “Save Account” the at bottom of the page. Be sure to follow username and password requirements listed on the right side of the page.
You will see a “Processing” page while your account is being created. This may take a few moments.
You did it! Next steps…. Proceed to registration for course(s) when indicated by your high school advisor. Check with your S2S teacher or school counselor about your SCSU ID number prior to registration.