Characteristics Roundworms Name means “thread- like” Thought to be most abundant animals on Earth (only about 20,000 species identified, thought that there might be more than 1,000,000) Bilateral symmetry Size- all under 5mm
Anatomy Long narrow bodies no legs Pseudocoelomates Mouth and Anus! Excretion out of anus Outer covering called cuticle is shed as worm grows usually 4 times during lifetime
Anatomy No respiratory or circulatory systems No skeleton Two nerve cords Has muscles
Feeding Herbivores Bacterivores Fungivores Predators Omnivores Parasites – picture is of Trichinella in pork meat
Trichinella spiralis Found in pork meat that is undercooked Symptoms – nausea, diarrhea, muscle pain as worms invade, cardiac problems, pneumonia, nervous disorders No cure
Pinworms Intestinal worms- live in rectum of humans Female worms leave rectum at night to lay eggs on surrounding skin Eggs can survive in bedding and clothing for 2 weeks Spread by ingesting eggs Medicines kill worms - curable
Ascaris lumbricoides Intestinal roundworm Female worm can produce up to 200,000 eggs a day Eggs ingested from food contaminated with fecal matter Larvae hatch, burrow through intestine, can migrate anywhere in body Medicines kill worms - curable
Reproduction Reproduce sexually Both males and females Usually males smaller in size than females
Habitat Mostly found in soils Can be found at bottom of deepest oceans to tops of highest mountains Found in tropics to polar regions Everywhere on Earth Some free-living, some parasites What are some biotic and abiotic factors?
Adaptations Parasites are “wide- range” can infect many hosts Nematodes have a metabolically- suppressed stage if survival is threatened During drought they go into dormancy (like hibernation)