SKI and SNOWBOARD CLUB Mr. Fisher Mrs. Landis Mrs. Angermeier
Participation If you are attending school, but not going on the trip, we must have a written note from your parents letting us know that you will not be there. It must be turned in to Mr. Fisher first thing in the MORNING in Room 507 We do not want to hold up the bus looking for you. Out of the SIX trips, you can make up all Missed Trips after March 1 st.
Storing Your Equipment When you bring your Equipment in during the morning, bring it directly to the Trainers Storage Room, located between the boys and girls locker room closest to the gym. It will be open from 7:30-7:55 then locked until 2:15 BE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON YOUR BAGS AND ON YOUR EQUIPMENT If you go home early, at least we know who’s it is. Consider using Ski/Board/Boot totes or bags to keep your equipment together and organized. DO NOT BRING HARD BAGS
Snowy Weather If School is cancelled, or there is an early dismissal, the trip will be cancelled and rescheduled for another date. If there is a late start, the trip will go as scheduled.
Ski and Snowboard Club Schedule Dismissed from period 9 at 2:15 Pack your books from your locker Report to Trainers Storage Room Get your Equipment Put ski/board equipment under bus, school books on bus. Do not get on the bus unless there is an advisor on the bus. Give that advisor your name and number Bus leaves at 2:25 Report to the bus no later than 8:40. The bus leaves promptly at 8:45 and will Arrive at LMMS at 9:30 --Parents should not park along the curb.
Passes Will be given to each student on the bus. We will collect them on the ride home. Lost passes cost $10.00 to replace
Rentals and Lessons Renters will get off the bus first when we arrive at the Mountain and meet Mrs. Angermeier at the Rental area. Lessons-Get dressed and meet Mrs. Angermeier at the BACK Door. Lesson Tickets will be distributed at the door. Lessons are at 4:00 Promptly! Mrs. Angermeier will take students up to their Lessons
Behavior We EXPECT good behavior On the bus In the Lodge On the Mountain Poor behavior will result in loss of skiing/snowboarding privileges and disciplinary actions from the mountain, by the school and/or possibly from the Police.
Clothing LAYERS! Long Johns Sweat shirt/Sweater Socks Gloves Hat Neck Warmer Goggles Jacket Board/Ski Pants Bring One Extra pair of gloves, hat, and socks in case they get wet.
YOUR Equipment! The Ski Club Advisors, East Penn School District and Blue Mountain, are not responsible for any Lost Equipment You need to look after your Stuff and make sure you lock it up
LOCKERS There are Two Sizes Small Cents Each Time Medium Cents Each Time Take into consideration what you bring. Lock it, Dinner, Forgot something = 2.25 in quarters There is a Change Machine, but it doesn’t make change for a $10 or $20
Food You can Bring Dinner or Purchase Dinner at the Lodge. Dinner will cost Between $10 and $20 a trip at the lodge Suggestions to Pack Soup in a thermos Hoagie Thermos of Mac and Cheese Hot Chocolate