Welcome to Fourth Grade ! Mrs. Block
Nancy Bierschbach Block I grew up in Webster. I graduated from the University of South Dakota. I taught 2 nd grade in Wyoming and 5/6 th grade in Minnesota. I taught Head Start in Webster.
Mrs. Block’s Family
I’d Like You to Meet Mrs. Block My husband is Ron Block. He is the bus guy at Harlow’s. Jennifer & Jed have four children, Noah, Isabella, Sophia, & Jonah. Tyler will be a freshman at USD. Hannah is in 9 th grade. My family is important to me.
Family Means the World to Me
My kids and grandkids…
Here’s What I Like to Do I love to read books in a quiet place. We live at Enemy Swim Lake all summer, and I love to boat, tube, and ski, especially when the lake is like glass. I like to run, bike, bake goodies, and swim. Mostly, I like to spend time with my husband and children.
What Happens in Fourth Grade? We read tons of great stories. We set goals and reach for the stars with AR. We write and publish alot. We master the location of all 50 states. We investigate healthy food choices. We explore many Science topics. We ace long division and multiplication. We improve our keyboarding skills.
Reading is HUGE in 4 th Grade Fourth graders are expected to read every night for minutes in their DEAR book. You must have parents sign your planner each night and return it to school each morning. I check planners at 8:30. If yours is missing or not signed, you owe me reading time.
I Almost Forgot…. We have fun. We laugh and make new friends. We do our best!
Homework If you pay attention use your time wisely, you should finish homework in about a half hour. All homework is due the next morning. Anything unfinished will be counted wrong. If you forget homework you get to do it over. If you forget too often, you may lose your right to take homework home. It will have to be completed in school during recess.
My Expectations I expect students to listen the first time. I expect students to do their best. I expect students to be well behaved, especially for other teachers. If you show me that you need practice with a certain behavior, practice you will get! Practice time usually occurs during recess.
What Will I Do For You? I will treat you fairly. I will greet you each morning with a smile. I will listen to your concerns. I will help you when you need extra help. I will do my best to help you learn.
The Bottom Line Is... We will learn about our world. We will learn from each other. You will teach me things. You will learn things from me.
Tyler, Emily, Taylor, Brianna, Alyssa, Rana, Skylar, Andy, Kennedy, Kalab, Dasan, Ellie, Blake, Blaize, Cara, Emma, Colby, Preston, & Louis I’m happy that you are all in my class! Let’s Have a Wonderful Year