Trains homework By Connor de Bruyn
Brainstorm Car, train, helicopter, bike, walk, plane, segway, walking school bus, jet, quad bike, skate board, swim, roller skates, carriage, ship, dune buggy, motor bike, jet pack, rocket, scoter, rim stick, ice scates, horse, tractor, jumbo jet, tank, boats and jet ski.
1 st lot of questions on week one Trains were invented in 1804 to 1814 it was the tram, by George Stephenson. It was invented because people needed another way to travel in those days. I interviewed someone and they said if you want to go somewhere far and your next to a train station go on a train. Inovations on trains [tram to train]
Environmental impact of trains Huge amount of carbon monoxide
Good PMI Trains allow high capacity on short or long distance, but require track signalling. Commuter rail provides faster services to outer suburbs and neighbouring towns.
Bad PMI They don’t go faster than planes, they are limited to a track. They stop to change course, they blow yucky smoke.
Videos and websites on a new thing for trains to run on see me see me and watch mesee me see me and watch me
What did I do on page 1 and 3 Title, bad Pmi, what did I do on page1 and3,good pmi, brainstorm, environmental impact on trains, watch videos and websites and 1 st lots of questions for week one.
Thanks for watching Hope you enjoy life without toxic fumes