Multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting. Fractions are a piece of cake….
Don’t sweat about fractions, after this powerpoint you will understand it all. They are easy once you know how to do them!!
Three Types of Fractions:
Adding Fractions To add fractions you have to find a number that goes into both denominators. Whatever you do to the denominator you have to do the same to the numerator E.g: 6/12+1/3 to get a same denominator you have to times 3 by 4 but then you have to times the numerator by 4 as well. Once you find that number you just add the numerators and keep the same denominators that goes into both numbers. E.g. 2/3 + 4/7= Step 1: 2x7/3x7+ 4x3/7x3= 14/21+12/21 Step 2: 14/21+12/21=26/21=1 5/21 Tip: Make sure if you can simplify fractions do so. Just follow these three steps!
Subtracting Fractions To subtract fraction you need to get the same denominator again. To do this just follow the steps on the previous page but instead of adding them take the numerators away. E.g: 3/6 - 1/4 Step 1: 3x4/6x4 - 1x6/4x6= 12/24 - 6/24 Step 2: 12/24-6/24= 6/24=1/4 Again just follow these steps. If you follow these steps you will find maths easy.
Multiplying Fractions When it comes to multiplying fractions suddenly everyone panics. There is nothing to panic about. All you have to do is times the top numerators together and times both the denominators together. E.g: 2/9 x 3/8= Step 1: 2x3/9x8= 6/72 Its so easy you just have to follow 1 step!
Dividing Fractions When it comes to dividing fractions you think how do you do that. You think it is going to be hard but its not. Firstly, you flip the second fraction over so the denominator is now the numerator. Then instead of dividing you times the fractions, and you do the same as multiplying fractions. E.g: 4/6 divided by 2/7 Step 1: 2/7—flip it—7/2 Step 2: 4/6 x 7/2=14/12=1 2/12= 1 1/6 That’s it, only 2 steps.
Improper Fractions Improper fractions are really not that hard, they are just fractions with the numerator bigger than the denominator. If you had 34/7 you have to divide 34 by 7 so that is 4 with 6 left over. Then you can write this as 4 6/7. Also called ‘ Top heavy’
Mixed Fractions Mixed fractions are basically the opposite of improper fractions as they are a fraction like 7 5/9. To turn this into one whole fraction just do 7x9 which is 64 and then add the 5 which makes it 69/9.
Refresh! See if you can answer these questions..Good Luck!
Adding Fractions: 1.2/3 + 3/6= 2.2/7 + 1/2= 3.3/6 + 1/5= 4.12/24+ 4/6= Subtracting Fractions: 1.1/7 – 3/5= 2.8/9 – 2/4= 3.6/10 – 5/6= 4.3/6 – 1/6= Multiplying Fractions: 1.5/23 x 4/12= 2.2/5 x 3/4= 3.4/56 x 3/56= 4.14/33 x 2/6= Dividing Fractions: 1.3/4 divided by 7/8= 2.6/10 divided by 3/5= 3.1/8 divided by 2/7= 4.5/7 divided by 2/12= Improper Fractions: 1.34/5 2.16/9 3.23/4 4.17/6 Mixed Fractions: 1.3 3/ / / /25
If you still have trouble with fractions, you can ask us, but Mr Price’s opinion is obvious!