OR Chapter 1. Introduction Ex : Diet Problem Daily requirements : energy(2000kcal), protein(55g), calcium(800mg) Food Serving size Energy (kcal) Protein (g) Calcium (mg) Price per serving (cents) Max serving allowed Oatmeal28g Chicken100g Eggs2 large Wholemilk237cc Cherry pie170g Pork with beans 260g
OR Formulation: Subject to
OR Linear Programming Problem ( 선형계획법 문제 ) Subject to objective function ( 목적함수 ) Constraints ( 제약식 ) nonnegativity constraints ( 비음제약식 ) (may not exist for some variables, then they are called unrestricted or free variables) right hand side ( 우변상수 )
OR Unusual formulations
OR ex) raws W=100 in., need 97 finals of width 45 in.610 finals of width 36 in. 395 finals of width 31 in.211 finals of width 14 in. Min x 1 + x 2 + x 3 + … + x 37 Note: number of patterns grows fast as problem becomes large (We don’t solve the problem with all columns in the model. We start with a few columns and solve the LP, and then identify and add a new column to the model and solve the LP again, … (column generation method). round down fractional optimal solution to LP to obtain integer solution, then use a few more raws to meet demands. extensions to 2-dimensional cutting stock (nesting problem), 3-D packing
Linear Programming
OR Minimization of piecewise linear convex function
OR Terminology
OR Brief History of LP Solving systems of linear inequalities : Fourier, 1826, not efficient (Chapter 16) Simplex method : G. B. Dantzig, 1947 Ellipsoid method : L. G. Khachian, 1979 First polynomial time algorithm (theoretically efficient algorithm) for LP, practically not good. Interior point method : L. Karmarkar, 1984 polynomial time algorithm, many variations, practically good performance. Recently, used for some nonlinear programming problems successfully (convex optimization) Theory of LP provides important foundation for many other disciplines like integer programming, networks and graphs, nonlinear programming, etc.
OR Standard form