Go to PEPID website Click on the activate link
Click Activate PDA
Click Create Account
Fill in the blanks
Scroll down and click “I agree”
Click install and activate - You have Pepid installed on the handheld but you need to install it on your computer so it will update your PDA when you hot sync.
You need to Install Pepid
You need to install the Palm Desktop on your computer first Click this icon
Follow these instructions to put the Pepid manager on your computer.
Click this icon
To Activate your PEPID Go to Pepid,
Click Activate Serial number
Put the serial number of your card in this box, Click drop down box, click submit
Register your handheld After submit- the screen goes to instructions on how to register your handheld. The help screens should get you through the rest. You will go to the register screen on your PDA, Pepid asks for the code you see on the PDA screen (looks like 5d c2) Pepid then gives you a key code that you use to fill in the blank on your PDA when you register You must put in the key code and you have to change the expiration date (click in the date window and change it to what you say on the key code window)
For further Help Ctools- PDA Project- Resources Check out Getting Started with PEPID pdf Look for online resources under support at Pepid.com Use their help personnel. They are very good. us if you are stuck or