Wireless bedside computing By Dr. Wafiq Shafiq Master Neurosurgey, Cairo Diploma medical informatics, USA
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai The need Evidence based medicine Explosion of medical information Less time for clinicians
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Advantages of bedside over bench computing Real-time information at the bedside, where they need it most Save time Get the information you need to make informed decisions Spend more time with patients Medical errors is Eighth leading cause of death for Americans — more than motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer or AIDS. Patient verification and the printing of bar coded labels happen at bedside
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai options A computer at each bedside Wireless network
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Advantages of wireless over a computer at each bedside Flexibility- Clinicians are not usually working behind desks Cost effective Sparing space A WLAN can be operational in just over one hour, providing additional coverage immediately, Legal issue-The WLAN's ability to ensure more accurate, consistent, and timely clinical documentation
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Options for wireless bedside Handhled devices Tablet notebooks Mobile cart laptops
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Disadvantages of handheld Weaker processor Small memory Limited storage capacity Small screen Uses Another version of software Easy to be lost, missed or stolen Easy to drop Difficulty in data entry No Industrial standard. PALM, win etc… Can not be used later in PACS sytem Training issue
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Disadvantages of tablet Heavy Hands are occupied Easy to be lost, missed or stolen Easy to drop
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Advantages Mobile carts Larger screen Hand free Same application –interface, functionality Big memory Large storage capacity No additional training (soft/w or hard/w)
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Features of the cart Small foot print Wide range up and down adjustment stability stability Easy to maneuver Suitable size work area Security of laptops Quiet movement
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Problems encountered Accumulation of dust on the locked screens. More units needed
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Future improvement Use handheld devices for nurses for data entry in addition to the mobile laptops for text entry and viewing.
DOHMS: Dept. Of Health and Medical Services- Dubai Thank You All