The History of Television By Hattie Zhang
First ever television The first television appeared in 1932 and was created by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin. He made the first ever television by filing two patents which formed the basis that can create image inside the tiny box. But it wasn’t for display until 1939 by the Radio Corporation of America company. At the same time, the RCA company also started a very first TV program that spread the whole United States.
Television Timeline - First television appeared in 1932, created by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin -in 1939,the first television is on display and sold by the Radio Corporation of America company -In 1948s, television first came across the border to Canada, at the same time, they first invented television with cables for cross country network. -In 1954, the first coloured television appeared -In 1956, the first wireless television remoter control was made, but back then it only had two buttons.
-The first satellite transmission TV was introduced in 1962 after the Telstar satellite was launched into the sky. -In 1995, the DVD player and discs appeared in stores -3D TV was created in 2010, customers can watch 3D movie at home simply by wearing special glasses with 3D movie discs
Coloured Televisions Coloured televisions first appeared in 1954s, the National Television Systems Committee first invented and displayed the colour TV to the crowds. The colour television worked by lighting up different colour light bulbs to create the colour from three different light colours; green, blue and red. But back then, the colour quality is terrible.
DVD In 1995, the DVD player and discs appeared in stores, finally people can watch their favourite shows or movie without waiting for them to appear on channels. The DVD discs are stamp with data in it, when you put the discs in the machine, the machine can manage to read the data and turn it into pictures with sound and others.
3D Movie Have you ever wondered how 3D films work? First your each eye have slightly different view and the 3D lenses work the same way, the red filter 3D glasses on the left match the red part on the screen and the blue filter match the blue part on the screen, that’s how they made the picture look 3D and real.
TV Now Days Now look back to all the things we been though, from just a small brown box to a gigantic screen in your house. The improvements like from colours to 3D movie or even 5D. Our technologies are just getting better and better, now we have 148 channels in Canada and many other sets of technologies that matches television like DVD, blue rays, 3D DVDs, and it can even connect with computers. Our technology skills really improved in last one to two hundred years, and it is still going.
Bibliography major-milestones-in-television-history/article / major-milestones-in-television-history/article /