Wind Energy A Green Source of Energy
Wind Power Wind energy is power that is generated by the wind Wind energy is a renewable resource because wind will always exist as the sun shines Wind energy is a green energy source because it does not produce pollution
What Is a Wind Turbine? Like an old fashion windmill Has blades that collect wind’s kinetic energy (energy of a body with respect to the motion of the body) Computer systems controls the way blades spin depending on the way the wind blows
How Do They Work? They slow down the speed of the wind The wind blows over the blades, which makes them turn, which moves the turbines creating energy They produce more and less expensive energy in windier places Modern wind turbines are designed to work for about 20 years
Why is Wind Energy a Good Idea? The average wind farm will pay back the energy used for its manufacture in three to five months compared to coal and nuclear power plants that take up to six months to repay energy use Wind energy development is reversible compared to fossil fuel and nuclear development The only drawbacks are that sometimes the turbines hit and kill wild bird species wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2007/04/eart h-day.gif
Countries Using Wind
Growth of Wind Energy Think of what we could do for the environment with all this clean energy!
Percentages of Energy Sources Used Wind, solar, and geothermal energy make up a small 3.8% of the world’s energy used.
Cool Facts Wind energy is the fastest growing source of power on the planet To create the same amount of energy as a single 1-MW wind turbine for 20 years, you would need 29,000 pounds of coal or 92,000 barrels of oil and to withdraw 60 million gallons of water from a stream or river a year 1 MW turbine can provide enough electricity for up to 650 households
How Wind Energy Can Help! To protect our environment from excess greenhouse gases being emitted from fossil fuels being burned and from deforestation wind energy should be used because it has little drawbacks and over all is a clean source of energy and emits no pollution! ge/ _400x400.jpg&imgrefurl= H4czj7nM::&tbnh=116&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dheart%2Bea rth&usg=__dgc4YbT-40Ro5qkc- UFa7Nwk0aI=&ei=SBWeSZWeGNLjtgexgZH3DA&sa=X&oi=image_res ult&resnum=3&ct=image&cd=1
Bibliography “Cool Facts About Wind Power!” Natural Resources Council of Maine Feb Meritt,Ed. “Wind Energy.” Partha Das Sharma’s Web Log. 3 Nov Feb energy-renewable-energy-harnesses-natural-wind-power- %E2%80%93-effective-answer-for-emission-problem-towards- cleaner-safer-and-greener-environment/ energy-renewable-energy-harnesses-natural-wind-power- %E2%80%93-effective-answer-for-emission-problem-towards- cleaner-safer-and-greener-environment/ “Kinetic Energy.” Nov “Wind Energy-Energy from Moving Air.” Energy Kids Page. July Feb nd.html nd.html