Why was it strange that the United States did not join the League of Nations when it was created?
During peace talks President Wilson made adjustments to the 14 Points – Realized peace treaties alone would not create “just peace” Group, including Wilson, wrote Covenant of League of Nation Approved by Conference, & including in Versailles treaty
2 Main Aims ◦ Promote cooperation ◦ Keep peace among nations 3 Main Agencies ◦ An assembly ◦ A council ◦ A secretariat The League was to work closely with the World Court
The Assembly ◦ Representatives from all member nations ◦ Each nation allowed 1 vote The Council ◦ Main peacekeeping body ◦ Originally 9 member nations, later increased to 14 ◦ 5 Permanent Members – England, France, Italy, Japan, U.S. ◦ Remaining seats filled by rotating nations
Member nations agreed to submit disputes to World Court instead of going to war Punishment for breaking agreement ◦ Breaking diplomatic relations ◦ Imposing of economic sanctions
Provided way to deal with overseas colonies of Central Powers The League was responsible for colony until it was “ready for independence” The League then set the colony up as a mandate
The U.S. did not join even though Wilson helped promote the League ◦ Wary of League’s power ◦ Wanted to change Treaty of Versailles ◦ Feared another war over issues that did not concern them First Meeting – Geneva, Switzerland – 11/1920 42 nations attended Germany & Soviet Union later joined
Global Epidemic ◦ 1918 – Influenza Pandemic ◦ Spread quickly due to rapid movement of people during global war ◦ Killed victims in 2 to 3 days ◦ Just as mysteriously as disease appeared it disappeared ◦ Approximately 20,000,000 deaths
Scientific & Social Theories ◦ Many began to think of the world as frightening & unpredictable ◦ Looked to Sigmund Freud, founder of psychology, to ease uncertainty ◦ Claimed unconscious often controlled peoples’ actions ◦ Helped people understand destruction of WWI & uneasiness
Major writings showed dissatisfaction with traditional ideas Oswald Spengler’s Decline of the West said civilizations matured from youth until death Lost Generation – Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald – Writings reflected loss of morality Others experimented with new forms & motivation of unconscious
Composers such as Stravinsky & Schoenberg attempted pieces vastly different from those of the past Radios were more common – Music became aimed at mass audiences Gave birth to new forms of music, like Jazz
Picasso & Braque created a new style called cubism – used geometric designs Cubist painters showed objects from many viewpoints at once Many artists focused on unconscious & insanity of war
Steel lead to creation of functional buildings that were built for specific purposes as opposed to styles Sullivan & Wright began this idea, & impacted architecture world wide
Main form – Motion Pictures Millions flocked to theaters Offered escape from everyday life 1927 film The Jazz Singer introduced sound Sports also became a popular leisure activity
Economies improved & people spent more on consumer goods – Non-essential products Price of “luxury items” dropped, which made goods more available for purchase Radio advertisements & credit helped increase consumerism Instant gratification reflected a change in attitudes of the time