Thank You!
David Haslip Suzanne Gilmer Zenana Rose Sunny Yepez Bonnie Yannariello Laurie Dougherty Angela Forquer Michelle LaVine Eddie Holcombe Les Walker Jo Paola Debbie Nelson Cynthia Perone Katy Meagher Devin Duricka Emily Sorensen Lisa DeMille
Liam Jaussi Audrea Lotman Alyssa Haslip Carolyn Whiting Barbara Johanson Jennifer Rychlick Becky Roth Vance Stimler & Justine Stimler Bailey Hutchison Terah Haslip Denise Keesee Lori Willette Mink DuMonde Cindy Hoppe Chris Roth Eryn Ross Karrye Lee Ranell Williamson Cathie Rhoades Nancy and JD Carl Deb Wilson douglas costley The McCabe Real Estate Group: Todd & Leslie Suzanne Gilmer Tera Sands Hailee Brownell Adry Seitz Rochelle Wasula Barb Agnew Debbie Mylander Michael Rath & Shelly Rath Randy Stewart sandy eastman Amber Gardner Rachel Schoening Erin Duncan & Guinevere Duncan
Kimberly Metzger Theresa Harris Curves Sherwood Lori Beymer Lana Cole Adam Francois Janet Freer Carol Apple Cindy Francois Kristin Holter Tom Nelson Cindy Price Kathy Swift
Emily Keebler Brian Harrell Pat & Katie Mawhinney
STATUS UPDATE 40 Teams 360 Participants 42 Survivors 50 Caregivers $31, Raised $ 17,205.00(last month)
IMPORTANT DATES Monday, August 1st – Bank Night – Pick up shirts – Drop off money – Entertainment Sign-ups – Drop off Luminaria Thursday, August 18th – Relay Wrap-up Party
Get Your Team Members Signed Up Auction Items (Team Liam) – ** Spirit Point Disbursement Luminaria Relay website for resource materials…
MISSION MOMENT Screen for Life is a National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign started in 1999 by the Surgeon General. They do public service announcements such as what you are about to see sponsored by the CDC and the National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance. /watch?v=8x7hGJo5YKE /watch?v=8x7hGJo5YKE
LOGISTICS Vance Stimler & Gabe Keely Campsite sign up Rules - review Garbage - Bathroom sign up Set up / tear down sign up RV parking (limited)
SURVIVORS Terah Haslip
PSSSSTTT! It’s never to early… or to late to be a member of your Sherwood Relay For Life Committee. ~ Let’s Talk ~
Teens Please stay after class…
Prize Time!!