Cycles in Nature Chapter 3
The Cycle of Matter (Chapter 3 – Section 1) Precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, and condensation are parts of the water cycle.
Photosynthesisrespiration decomposition combustion Photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, and combustion are parts of the carbon cycle.
In the nitrogen cycle, nitrogen gas is converted into other forms and back to gas again.
Many forms of matter on Earth pass through cycles. These cycles may be connected in many ways.
E cological Succession (Chapter 3 – Section 1) Ecological succession is the gradual development of communities over time. Often a series of stages is observed during succession.
Primary succession occurs in an area that was not previously inhabited by living things; no soil is present.
Secondary succession takes place in an area where an earlier community was distributed by fire, landslides, floods, or plowing for crops and where soil is present.