The Romantic Occident Hollywood re-visited Stereotypes and the West The West as seen by secularized and disenchanted Muslims
Gharbzadgi: Westernization of Muslim Societies Mustapha Kemal –“disestablishment” of Islam –repeal of the shari’ah –adoption of Western practices (eg. marriage, the alphabet) –historical evolution: the Turkish experience of Europe –Westernization through language
Gharbzadgi: Westernization of Muslim Societies Literature and literary movements Music Food and cuisine Arts and architect Popular culture Media (eg. Western- style journalism) Western judiciary, judges, and lawyers
Major Shifts in “Modern” Muslim Understanding Colonization…independence Re-colonization Efforts to gain real freedom
Independence, freedom, re-colonization: methodologies Processes, mechanisms, techniques: –Rulers –System of governance –Economic struggle –International institutions –The unrelenting yoke of the colonial era –The nature of state and society in the post-1950 Muslim world
The emergence of nationalism and anti-colonial attitudes The West “naturalized”: the struggle for independence –The case of Indian Muslims Independence achieved – but freedom?
Re-capturing the Muslim Mind The root of Muslim self- awareness –Sources, ideals, goals Sources of Inspiration: al- Qur’an –Major trends in 20 th century tafsir literature regarding the West –Islamic Revival and Westernization
Muslim perspectives on the West changing through time Major strands: –Medieval Europe –Industrial/ Reformation Europe –Colonized and colonizing –Post-colonial Three broad modern categories: condemn, embrace, critically appraise Still attempting to break from colonized mindset “History is a nightmare from which I am trying to wake up.”
…true piety does not consist in turning your faces towards the East or the West… —al-Qur’an 2:177