“Sand Castle” The “Sand Castle” is a one stop beach shop that offers a range of food and convenience products to meet your camping and holiday needs. Leslie Beach, Fishing Lake, Saskatchewan Erika Gudnason
Leslie Beach, Fishing Lake
Candy & beverages Basic household items Fast food
Layout 1,000 sq. feet2 tables inside, 2 on patioMajority of sales will be takeout
Owner/ Manager Assistant Manager General Staff Human Capital
8-17 years Children with Parents Target Segment
years Young Adults Target Segment
Promotion Your one stop beach shop! Open Sun or Shine- 11am-11pm
Budgets Capital Budget Leaseholder Improvements 12,500 Fixtures & Equipment 7,500 Total20,000 Financial Budget Bank Debt (50%)20,000 Equity20,000 Total40,000
Sensitivity Analysis Average # of customers/day Average 5 year profit Net paybackIRR 20(28,143)(251,980)3.5% 40(6,363)(34,920)9% 6013,557160,41829% 8032,580349,75339%
Break-even Analysis Base Case Customers/day Breakeven Customers/day
Profitability Year12345 Net Income 17,006 3,264 10,058 16,668 20,798
Critical Risk Factors Customers per dayCustomer spendingWeather
Feasibility 29% Required ROI Risk Mitigation = Feasible
Questions? Your one stop beach shop! Open Sun or Shine- 11am-11pm