When the new constitution is mentioned, what THREE key issues come into your mind?
From the issues raised, highlight any three that have a bearing on education Read the print-out on the bill of rights and highlight key issues of the new constitution on education
NATIONAL GOVERNMENTCOUNTY GOVERNMENT Education policy, standards, curricula, examinations and the granting of university charters. Universities, tertiary educational institutions and other institutions of research and higher learning and primary schools, special education, secondary schools and special education institutions. Promotion of sports and sports education Pre-primary education, village polytechnics, homecraft centres and childcare facilities.
Every person has the right to education. Every child has the right to free and compulsory basic education
Every worker has the right— (a) to fair remuneration; (b) to reasonable working conditions; (c) to form, join or participate in the activities and programmes of a trade union; and (d) to go on strike.
A person with any disability is entitled to access educational institutions and facilities for persons with disabilities that are integrated into society to the extent compatible with the interests of the person;
The State shall take measures, including affirmative action programmes, to ensure that the youth— access relevant education and training; The State shall put in place affirmative action programmes designed to ensure that minorities and marginalised groups— are provided special opportunities in educational and economic fields;
Authority assigned to a State officer— demonstrates respect for the people; brings honour to the nation and dignity to the office; promotes public confidence in the integrity of the office to serve the people
The guiding principles of leadership and integrity include— (a) selection on the basis of personal integrity, competence and suitability, (b) objectivity and impartiality in decision making, and in ensuring that decisions are not influenced by nepotism, favouritism, other improper motives or corrupt practices; (c) accountability to the public for decisions and actions;
(d) selfless service based solely on the public interest, demonstrated by— (i) honesty in the execution of public duties; (ii) the declaration of any personal interest that may conflict with public duties; (e) discipline and commitment in service to the people.
The values and principles of public service include— (a) high standards of professional ethics; (b) efficient, effective and economic use of resources; (c) responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services (d) involvement of the people in the process of policy making; (e) accountability for administrative acts; (f) transparency and provision … of timely, accurate information;
(g) subject to fair competition and merit as the basis of appointments and promotions; (h) representation of Kenya’s diverse communities; and (i) affording adequate and equal opportunities for appointment, training and advancement, at all levels of the public service, of–– (i) men and women; (ii) the members of all ethnic groups
When a baby trips and falls, nobody notices; when an elder does everybody notices