Kenya – Physical CharacteristicsKenya – Physical Characteristics  Located on the east coast of Africa  Equator runs through it so very hot  Most of.


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Presentation transcript:

Kenya – Physical CharacteristicsKenya – Physical Characteristics  Located on the east coast of Africa  Equator runs through it so very hot  Most of Kenya’s people live in the fertile highlands in the SW  Lake Victoria is located in the western part

Kenya – Understanding the PastKenya – Understanding the Past  British rule began in 1890s, two groups lost their power  Masai – herders, Kikuyu  British built a railroad from the coast to Lake Victoria  Nairobi was built on the line and grew quickly  Kikuyu went to war against British in 1950s  Kenya emerged from British rule in 1963

Kenya – Economic ActivitiesKenya – Economic Activities  First president, Jomo Kenyatta, encouraged harambee, which means pulling together  Economic growth mostly in agriculture  Cash crops – coffee and tea  Basic crops are sold to countries in Europe  Many Kenyans suffer from malnutrition

Kenya – Government and CitizenshipKenya – Government and Citizenship  Peaceful country until 1980s when a growing population couldn’t find work or be fed  Many Kenyans blamed Daniel arap Moi, the president for their troubles  Demonstrated for political reform  He eventually allowed multiparty elections and stepped down in 2002 – Mwai Kibaki won  Kenya Kenya

The Horn of AfricaThe Horn of Africa  Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia  Locations near oil supplies of Middle East and shipping lanes of Red Sea and Gulf of Aden  Located at the midpoint between Europe and Southeast Asia

The Horn of AfricaThe Horn of Africa  Djibouti – vital link between Ethiopia and the sea  Income comes from ports on Gulf of Aden and Red Sea  Civil War in 1991, peace in 2000  Ethiopia – one of the oldest countries in Africa  Droughts in 1984 and 1986 brought famine to country  War with Somalia and civil war has hurt Ethiopia  Somali Refugees in Ethiopia Somali Refugees in Ethiopia  Eritrea – won its independence from Ethiopia in 1991  Subsistence farming and herding main economic activities  Eritrea - Djibouti Border War Eritrea - Djibouti Border War  Somalia – gained independence in 1960  Border wars, ethnic conflict, and drought has prevented a unified nation

Sudan  Largest African nation in area  Mostly desert in the northern part of the country  Muslim Arabs live in the north  Southern region is full of plains and a swamp area  Different African ethnic groups live in the south  Fighting has occurred consistently since Sudan became independent in 1956  Sudan Today Sudan Today

Landlocked CountriesLandlocked Countries  Uganda – west of Kenya, mostly a fertile plateau  Civil War in 1960s and 1970s  Became democratic government in mid-1980s  Rwanda and Burundi – ethnocracies  One ethnic group rules over other ethnic groups  Rwanda – 80% Hutu, 20% Tutsi (Watusi)  Civil War in 1994 between the groups  Rwanda today Rwanda today  Burundi – 14% Tutsi but control army so retain power  Rwandan Economy Rwandan Economy

Tanzania  East of Rwanda and Burundi  Hot and humid coastal lands, cool highlands, varied terrain around Lake Victoria, dry central plains  Many minerals below surface and very fertile soil  Poor development has caused it to be very poor  Tanzania Albinos Tanzania Albinos

South Africa – A Country Divided by RaceSouth Africa – A Country Divided by Race  Minority Rule – 75% black, 14% white  Government and much of the land was controlled by the white minority  Migration Into African Lands – Europeans in the 1600s  Dutch, German, then French – known as Afrikaners  British arrived, fought Afrikaners and forced a treaty  Combined colony of English-speaking settlers and Afrikaners  Migration Into White Lands – post independence in 1961  Africans began moving to cities for jobs  Inexpensive energy source, capital, connection with England, and work force allowed economy to become one of the best

South Africa – Artificial RegionsSouth Africa – Artificial Regions  Attempts at Control  White govt. worried about black migration to cities  Government forced blacks onto a small % of land  Apartheid – nonwhite South Africans were forced to live apart from whites  International Backlash  South Africa’s trade partners placed economic sanctions against them  Bans people from investing in South African industries as well as the import of South African products

South Africa – Government and Citizenship  Moving Toward Majority Rule  1989 new president F.W. de Klerk made changes  He released Nelson Mandela from prison  apartheid laws were repealed  Nelson Mandela elected president in 1994 Nelson Mandela  Looking Ahead  New constitution was certified in 1996  South Africa South Africa

Malawi and BotswanaMalawi and Botswana  Southern Africa Southern Africa  Malawi – located on western shore of Lake Nyasa  Many migrant workers who work in South Africa  Fertile land and an excellent water supply, crowded  Jacaranda School Jacaranda School  Botswana – borders South Africa to the north  Less dependent on South Africa  Arid country, sparsely populated  Wealthier than Malawi  Botswana Botswana

Angola and MozambiqueAngola and Mozambique  Angola – west coast of Africa  Once was a Portuguese colony, independent in 1975  Set up a communist economic system  UNITA raged a war against the new government, backed by South Africa to help end communism  With the death of UNITA’s leader, peace in 2002  Oil exports have helped the economy grow recently  Angola War Legacy Angola War Legacy  Mozambique – east coast of Africa  Once was a Portuguese colony, independent in 1975  Set up a communist economic system  Rebel group named Renamo fought the new government, backed by South Africa to help end communism  Civil finally ended and a political settlement was reached  Plenty of natural resources and labor has helped the economy grow  Maputo, Mozambique Maputo, Mozambique

Zambia and ZimbabweZambia and Zimbabwe  Zambia – located in center of Southern Africa  Part of Copperbelt in Zambia allows for revenue  Price of copper fell in 1980s and 1990s and country became very poor  Mining in Zambia Mining in Zambia  Zimbabwe – located south of Zambia  Became independent in 1980, elected Robert Mugabe  Most land owned by white farmers  Slowly land was redistributed, Mugabe seized lands in 2000 and gave them to black Zimbabweans  Violence erupted, peace was lost, and unemployment rose  Zimbabwe Land Reform Zimbabwe Land Reform