Chapter 9 Section 1 The Progressive Movement
The Progressive Spirit By the early 1900’s industrialization transformed the United States This led to unsafe working conditions and crowded cities These problems started a spirit of reform known as progressivism Where as the Populist Party focused on the rural movement, {progressivism focused on urban issues} {Progressives {Progressives sought to make the government more responsible for people}
A Dangerous Workplace Progressives were concerned with the way corporate America did business {In 1910, 70% of American industrial workers worked an average of 54 hrs/wk.} These long hours increased the accident rates. In one steel mill 25% of its workers were injured or killed on the job every year between 1907 and 1910 Progressives pushed for an 8 hour work day, a minimum wage, safer conditions & ending child labor
The Triangle Shirtwaist Building The next slide is kind of gruesome don’t look if you don’t want to see it
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Aftermath
Social Problems The Social Gospel movement sided with the progressives reform ideas Social Gospel activists put religion into the issue urging people to ask themselves “What would Jesus do?” This had a profound effect on many business owners {Walter Rauschenbusch {Walter Rauschenbusch wrote the Social Gospel novel Christianity and the Social Crisis} where he urged Christians to become involved in social issues as an extension of their love for God.
The Muckraking Press Progressive journalists helped spread the message of reform Journalists who investigated and exposed the “filth” of society were called muckrakers McClure’s magazine Lincoln Steffens {Muckraking journalism first appeared with the publication of “Tweed Days in St. Lewis” in McClure’s magazine written by Lincoln Steffens} {Some muckrakers enjoyed having the reputation of being tough reporters who revealed the injustices in the world. Others disliked the term because they wanted to be known as reporters who sis not just go after the sensational stories but tried to report fairly about all news.}
Writing and Social Problems In 1904 Lincoln Steffens wrote about urban political corruption in The Shame of the Cities Published in 1908 {Ray Stannard Baker Published in 1908 {Ray Stannard Baker wrote Following the Color Line, a book about a lynching in Springfield, Ohio} Theodore Dreiser In 1912 {Theodore Dreiser described workers brutalized by greedy business owners in the novel Sister Carrie}
Writers Continued…. Progressive intellectuals proposed alternatives to the ideas that fierce competition was the best route for social progress Herbert Croly believed the government should use its powers to promote the welfare of all its citizens
Review Questions What did progressivism focus on? What did Progressives What did Progressives want to make the government more responsible for? In 1910, 70% of American industrial workers worked an average of how many hrs/wk? McClure’s magazine Lincoln Steffens What type of journalism first appeared with the publication of “Tweed Days in St. Lewis” in McClure’s magazine written by Lincoln Steffens Why did some of the Journalists not like being called muckrakers? Ray Stannard Baker Ray Stannard Baker wrote Following the Color Line, what was it about?
Consequence of not trying in school