Abortion Part III Ethics Dr. Jason M. Chang
Judith Thomson, “A Defense of Abortion” A defense of abortion that grants that the fetus is a person with a right to life
The Pro-Life Argument (P1) All persons have a right to life (P2) The fetus is a person. So, (P3) The fetus has a right to life. (P4) The right to life outweighs the woman’s right to decide what happens to her body. Therefore, (C) The fetus must not be killed; abortion may not be performed.
The Violinist Example
The Extreme Pro-Life View The Extreme View Abortion is impermissible even to save the mother’s life Argument for the Extreme View Abortion involves directly killing while doing nothing involves letting die Thomson’s response to the Extreme View: Violinist II example Growing child example Coat example
? Needs coat to survive Not permissible for third party to intervene
Needs coat to survive AND owns the coat Needs coat to survive Permissible for third party to intervene
The Moderate Pro-Life View The Moderate View Abortion is generally impermissible Exceptions are when the mother’s life is danger Argument for the Moderate View Right to life outweighs the right to decide
Response to the Moderate View Violinist I example Henry Fonda example “I am arguing only that having a right to life does not guarantee having a right to be given the use […] of another person’s body – even if one needs it for life itself.”
Response to the Moderate View Killing vs. Killing Unjustly Though you kill the violinist by unplugging, you do not kill him unjustly. For he has no right to use your kidneys. Though you kill the fetus by undergoing an abortion, you do not kill it unjustly. For it has no right to use your body.
Objection to Thomson (P1) If a woman engages in voluntary intercourse, she is partially responsible for the existence of the fetus inside her. (P2) Her partial responsibility for the existence of the fetus gives the fetus the right to use her body. Therefore, (C) The fetus has a right to use the woman’s body.
Thomson’s Reply Robber example People-seeds example
Thomson’s Conclusion “[N]obody is morally required to make large sacrifices, of health, of all other interests and concerns, of all other duties and commitments, for nine years, or even nine months, in order to keep another person alive.” Abortion is permissible even if the fetus has a right to life