Global warming is already causing climate changes, which have been catastrophic for many countries.
Everyday actions add to carbon emissions Heating our homes schools and offices Driving our cars Flying on holiday Using the bus or the train Cooling our cars, homes offices and schools Cooking our meals Powering electrical appliances Lighting our homes, schools, offices and streets Manufacturing products Delivering goods and services Deforestation Charging our game stations and mobile phones
What’s it to me? Why cut the carbon?
The greenhouse gases we create as a school make up our carbon footprint In the UK today, schools currently create 2% of all carbon emissions
A target which all UK schools are working to achieve by Our Challenge is…. to reduce our carbon footprint by 34%
How can our Energy Display Meter help us cut carbon? We can see how much electricity we are using Our Energy Display Meter will help us to think about how we can reduce our electricity use We can identify when and where we use more electricity
use The Zero Carbon Task Force Target To cut the carbon we need to take a number of steps:- using less turning down green energy switching off Reducing energy waste Making greener choices renewable energy Reduce energy need Explore energy use by Campaign for greener choices
We are all responsible for global warming, so we all need to take responsibility for changing the way we live today to ensure a sustainable future for all our tomorrows….