14-1 Survey Instrument and Questionnaire responses Presentation at the Workshop on Sustainable Development Indicators: Conceptual Framework, Data Collection and Analysis Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 11-13, 2012
14-2Background A draft questionnaire was developed jointly by FSSDD and ACS of UNECA The objective was to obtain standardized data Discussion on the proposed indicators was made with experts from CSA and MoFED of Ethiopia. Based on the comments received, the questionnaire was revised accordingly The Questionnaire was sent to 15 countries
List of Pilot Countries Botswana(Southern Africa) Burkina Faso(Western Africa) Cameroon(Central Africa) Ethiopia(Eastern Africa) Gabon(Central Africa) Ghana(Western Africa) Kenya(Eastern Africa) Morocco(Northern Africa) Namibia(Southern Africa) Nigeria(Western Africa) Rwanda(Eastern Africa) Senegal(Western Africa) South Africa(Southern Africa) Tunisia(Northern Africa) Uganda(Eastern Africa) 14-3
14-4 Completed questionnaires Completed questionnaires Completed questionnaires were received from 6 countries out of the 15 countries for which the questionnaire was sent. (completion rate of 40%) Completion rate here refers to the percentage of countries who completed the questionnaire. A significant percentage of responses received contained no data for some indicators or data for few years.
14-5 Completed Questionnaires contd... Completed Questionnaires contd... Completed questionnaires were received from Botswana Burkina Faso Cameroon Kenya, Rwanda Tunisia Completion rate for demographic statistics is as follows INDICATORBotswanaBurkina Faso CameroonKenyaRwandaTunisia Mid-year population Used different 5 year intervals
14-6 Completion rate for social statistics INDICA TOR Botswan a Burkina Faso Cameroo n KenyaRwandaTunisia Enrollme nt, Public Schools Complete except technical/ vocationa l 47.5 Enrollme nt, Private Schools except vocationa l 50 Secondar y and tertiary only 0 Public expenditu re on education per pupil or student Complete except technical/ vocationa l 3.75 Private expenditu re on education per pupil or student Number of nurses and midwives 80 per 10,000 people but in number 0 INDICATORBotswanaBurkina Faso CameroonKenyaRwandaTunisia Enrollment, Public Schools Complete except technical/vo cational 47.5 Enrollment, Private Schools except vocational 50 Secondary and tertiary only 0 Public expenditure on education per pupil or student Complete except technical/vo cational 3.75 Private expenditure on education per pupil or student Number of nurses and midwives 80 per 10,000 people ( in number) 0
14-7 Completion rate for social statistic contd… IndicatorBotswanaBurkina Faso CameroonKenyaRwandaTunisia General government and total expenditure on health Labor force by age and gender Unemployed work force by gender and age group Gini index of income inequality (percentage) Mortality rate under 5 years old (per thousand live births) Life expectancy at birth (years of life) years
14-8 Completion rate contd… Completion rate contd… National accounts and Agricultural Statistics DOMAININDICATORBotswanaBurkina Faso CameroonKenyaRwandaTunisia National Accounts All (largely other than oil and mineral rents) Agricultu ral Statistics Average yield of selected food crop Mineral fertilizer use (kilogram per hectare) Land area (hectare) Ownership of land Fishery Domestic production of food in quantity
14-9 Energy Statistics Energy Statistics INDICATORBotswanaBurkina Faso CameroonKenyaRwandaTunisia Energy Use Energy consumption Electricity power consumed Electricity lost during transmission (%) Population using solid fuels as source of energy Electricity prices to industrial/com mercial and domestic customers
14-10 Monetary and Financial Statistics INDICATORBotswanaBurkina Faso CameroonKenyaRwandaTunisia Financial status/ public finance Government revenue and expenses Remittances received Foreign direct investment Expenditure on research and development Access to credit facilities
14-11 Foreign trade statistics Foreign trade statistics INDICATORBotswanaBurkina Faso CameroonKenyaRwandaTunisi a All
14-12Recommendations Provide technical assistance to countries in the use of international definitions. Improve the process of consultation by international agencies with countries before publishing their data.