WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME IASC Consultations on the Humanitarian Impact of Climate change Let me start with a question. Is this the result of drought? Lack of precipitations? Climate variability? Climate change? Overgrazing? Bad rural development? Wrong aid strategies?
WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME Working for Climate-Resilient communities Key Findings CC posing new extraordinary challenges to national Govts and communities Threatens to undermine hard-won gains in the fight against poverty and hunger Gaps in communication, coordination, information and knowledge Dev-Hum divide, again? Need for coherence, integration and mainstreaming CCA can build on a solid base of EPR/DRR work
Climate change is about people CC will impact hunger & malnutrition + droughts, floods, hurricanes & other disasters + extreme weather events agricultural productivity in already fragile areas pastures, grazing land - water availability in arid and semi arid regions + health and sanitation problems affecting malnutrition + conflicts over resources + population movements, displacement, migration (IPCC, 2007) Nombre Edad (en años) Peso (kg) Talla (cms.) Estado Johnny 11.3 28 120 Desnutrición severa Glenda 9 21 117 Desnutrición moderada Daniel 5.8 19 112 Normal
WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME Working for Climate-Resilient communities Key areas of adaptation work in support to Governments and communities Prepare for and respond to climate related disasters and emergencies Enhance livelihoods protection and help mitigate risks on the most vulnerable Scale up community-based projects to reduce vulnerability, and enhance food security and overall resilience Capacity development, knowledge sharing and systems development Helping Governments EPR Providing ‘smart’ public goods, systems and capacities - Public goods, such as vulnerability analysis, needs assessments and risk transfer mechanisms, as well as social protection programmes and schemes. Also, for example, strengthening the vulnerability analysis and food security monitoring capacity of the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS). WFP’s experience provides extraordinary opportunities for impulsing CC work WFP can leverage on-going work in livelihoods protection, reforestation, environmental conservation, as well as competencies and capacities in EPR, DRR, VAM and other knowledge areas. In 2007, WFP devoted US$ 280 million and reached over 13 million ultra poor through safety net schemes such as cash or food-based employment programmes. These programmes helped reduce social and environmental vulnerabilities by building flood defences and small-scale irrigation systems, fixing dunes to stop the encroachment of the desert onto agricultural land, planting trees to reduce the impacts of floods and landslides, or harvesting and conserving water. An inventory of these activities was presented to the during the 2008 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland (available at Flood Defenses, Water Harvesting, Natural Resources Management, Land Reclamation & Rehabilitation, Reforestation, Environmental conservation and sustainability Livelihoods protection, diversification and income generation Climate proof infrastructure development (roads, markets, public infrastructure) Safety nets and social protection programmes Capacity development in EPR/DRR at regional/national/local level
WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME Working for Climate-Resilient communities Best practice Ethiopia – Meret Programme - “Where there is MERET there is no hunger” Bangladesh – Enhancing Cumminty Preparedness and DRR Central America – Sistema de Alerta Temprana para Centro America (SATCA) Kenya – Food-for-asset programs supporting efficient resource management and sustainable food security WFP in ADAPTATION On average USD 300 million/year Nearly in all countries WFP works in DRR/EPR Rapidly expandable/scalable activities Excellent platform for working with partners ETHIOPIA Managing environmental resources to enable transitions to more sustainable livelihoods (MERET) Government owned programme Diversifying livelihoods, building resilience, and enhancing land productivity Focusing on disaster management to strengthen the country’s disaster management systems Developing assets and infrastructures to deal with recurrent and expected impacts of climate change. Focusing on food security, social protection and health of the most vulnerable. KENYA The majority of population is highly dependent on agriculture and pastoralism for subsistence. Activities included simple irrigation systems, soil conservation and water harvesting structures. WFP assistance devised coping and adaptive strategies in order to make vulnerable people resilient to the incidence of droughts and degraded lands. All these interventions seeked the promotion of long-term food security. In 2008, WFP has already contributed to the rehabilitation of degraded lands with 27,834 hectares of reclaimed, protected and cultivated land. Irrigation and water management projects were conducted in extremely arid lands and helped 1,120 residents in harvesting 58 Mt of maize, ensuring food supply for three months. A 15 Km of fences for protecting water sources and surface water harvesting structures built and rehabilitated. Chronically food insecure people in Turkana and Mandera districts were involved in small-scale irrigation systems or similar micro-projects. Communities could restore degraded lands with 940 maturing tree seedlings planted and the diversified and increased the variety of cultivation, adopting drought-tolerant crops such as sorghum, millet and cowpeas. BANGLADESH The World Food Programme is assisting the Government of Bangladesh to respond to and prepare for natural disasters, WFP is contributing to the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP): For example, WFP programmes contributed to the creation of 11,000 km of river and coastal enbankments through the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) and more than 400 water tanks for rainwater harvesting and conservation in drought-prone areas through the Barind Authority, between 1975 and 2005. SATCA A common platform A multi-hazard approach Real time information Promoting regional harmonization Friendly access State-of-the art technology Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Slide 5
Key Challenges building knowledge, sharing info and best practice mainstream CC discourse, overall coherence building knowledge, sharing info and best practice reconciling Dev-Hum language linking local to global National ownership and leadership people centred + innovation resources and effective admin & financial systems