Thursday and Friday August 2002 Concept Development Workshop (CDW-7) Review and discuss the first draft of multinational force (MNF SOP) Reach consensus on MPAT way-ahead Reach consensus on MPAT way-ahead MPAT TE-5 Jan’03 (Indonesia) Concept Brief MPAT TE-5 Jan’03 (Indonesia) Concept Brief CDW-7 Facilitators/SMEs: Col Ferrell - Operations CDR Wohlschlegel - Plans Mr. Bratton - Lead Action Officer LTC Singh- UN Planning for PKO Mr. Leenjtes-COE DMHA Mr. Morrison-Pearson PK Centre LTC Miller - Civil Affairs CDR Nelson-Operations MAJ Dunne-Doctrine Mr. Maxfield - Joint Experimentation
MPAT Overview-CDR Wohlschlegel Forming the MNF / CTF- MAJ Dunne Break Forming the MNF / CTF- MAJ Dunne Crisis Action Planning & Cmdr’s Estimate- MAJ Lawson Break Commanders Intent & Guidance- Maj Zavislak Break Mission Analysis- MAJ Woods Lunch Course of Action (COA) Development- Maj Zavislak Break COA Analysis- Maj Lawson COA Comparison- Maj Woods Peace Operations Overview- Mr. Morrison, COE DMHA MPAT Overview-CDR Wohlschlegel Forming the MNF / CTF- MAJ Dunne Break Forming the MNF / CTF- MAJ Dunne Crisis Action Planning & Cmdr’s Estimate- MAJ Lawson Break Commanders Intent & Guidance- Maj Zavislak Break Mission Analysis- MAJ Woods Lunch Course of Action (COA) Development- Maj Zavislak Break COA Analysis- Maj Lawson COA Comparison- Maj Woods Peace Operations Overview- Mr. Morrison, COE DMHA Thursday 15 August 2002 Coalition Task Force (CTF) Seminar (For SAF CTF Personnel)
MPAT Overview-CDR Wohlschlegel Forming the MNF / CTF- MAJ Dunne Break Forming the MNF / CTF- MAJ Dunne Crisis Action Planning & Cmdr’s Estimate- MAJ Lawson Break Commanders Intent & Guidance- Maj Zavislak Break Mission Analysis- MAJ Woods Lunch Course of Action (COA) Development- Maj Zavislak Break COA Analysis- Maj Lawson COA Comparison- Maj Woods Peace Operations Overview- Mr. Morrison, COE DMHA MPAT Overview-CDR Wohlschlegel Forming the MNF / CTF- MAJ Dunne Break Forming the MNF / CTF- MAJ Dunne Crisis Action Planning & Cmdr’s Estimate- MAJ Lawson Break Commanders Intent & Guidance- Maj Zavislak Break Mission Analysis- MAJ Woods Lunch Course of Action (COA) Development- Maj Zavislak Break COA Analysis- Maj Lawson COA Comparison- Maj Woods Peace Operations Overview- Mr. Morrison, COE DMHA Friday 16 August 2002 Coalition Task Force (CTF) Seminar (For Interested Personnel, Especially New MPAT)
Organization Meetings and Participants: MPAT TE-4 Registration - All Singapore Orientation & CTF Activation / Forming (All TE-4 participants): Welcome- COL KC Tan TE-4, CTF Forming & Scenario- LTC Singh/CDR Wohlschlegel Co-Leaders Meeting(CPG & Staff Cell) - CDR Wohlschlegel Break Organization and Structure of SAF, SAF’s Peacekeeping Experiences - Head Org Branch / TBD Experiences - Head Org Branch / TBD Break CPG Forming Meeting - CPG Leaders Functional Group Forming Meeting- Functional Group Leaders Network/CATS TYR Training- Mr. Lewis/Mr. Marvin/Mr. DeFelice Free time SAF Hosted Social / Icebreaker - SAF Organization Meetings and Participants: MPAT TE-4 Registration - All Singapore Orientation & CTF Activation / Forming (All TE-4 participants): Welcome- COL KC Tan TE-4, CTF Forming & Scenario- LTC Singh/CDR Wohlschlegel Co-Leaders Meeting(CPG & Staff Cell) - CDR Wohlschlegel Break Organization and Structure of SAF, SAF’s Peacekeeping Experiences - Head Org Branch / TBD Experiences - Head Org Branch / TBD Break CPG Forming Meeting - CPG Leaders Functional Group Forming Meeting- Functional Group Leaders Network/CATS TYR Training- Mr. Lewis/Mr. Marvin/Mr. DeFelice Free time SAF Hosted Social / Icebreaker - SAF Sunday 18 August 2002 TE-4
Opening Ceremony- SAF Group Photo - SAF Military Role in Peace Operations-Mr. Morrison, COE DMHA Overview of “Humanitarian System” – Ms. McHale, COE DMHA Situation Update and SAF Warning Order- COS Break Senior Mentor Comments-BG (Ret) John Hvitegaard Mission Analysis (Review) – Maj Woods, USCP Staff Estimates: Facts, status, etc. (Staff planning cells) Lunch Role of UNOCHA-Mr. Royce, UNOCHA Complete Mission Analysis (CPGs) Prepare Mission Analysis Brief (OPT Brief Building Team) Opening Ceremony- SAF Group Photo - SAF Military Role in Peace Operations-Mr. Morrison, COE DMHA Overview of “Humanitarian System” – Ms. McHale, COE DMHA Situation Update and SAF Warning Order- COS Break Senior Mentor Comments-BG (Ret) John Hvitegaard Mission Analysis (Review) – Maj Woods, USCP Staff Estimates: Facts, status, etc. (Staff planning cells) Lunch Role of UNOCHA-Mr. Royce, UNOCHA Complete Mission Analysis (CPGs) Prepare Mission Analysis Brief (OPT Brief Building Team) Monday 19 August 2002 TE-4
Senior Mentor Feedback Mission Analysis Brief to the CTF Commander - COS - Commander’s Planning Guidance - CCTF - Commander’s Planning Guidance - CCTF Measures of Effectiveness - Mr. Rautainen, COE DMHA NGO Planning-Mr. Hardman, OXFAM Australia ICRC / Red Cross – Mr. Leuba, ICRC Break UN Agency Planning and Standards-Mr. Doyle, UNHCR COA Development (Review) – Maj Zavislak, USCP Lunch Conduct COA Development (CPGs) Prepare Commander’s Initial COA Brief (Brief Build Team) COA Gaming Team Meeting (Coordinate COA Gaming) Senior Mentor Feedback Mission Analysis Brief to the CTF Commander - COS - Commander’s Planning Guidance - CCTF - Commander’s Planning Guidance - CCTF Measures of Effectiveness - Mr. Rautainen, COE DMHA NGO Planning-Mr. Hardman, OXFAM Australia ICRC / Red Cross – Mr. Leuba, ICRC Break UN Agency Planning and Standards-Mr. Doyle, UNHCR COA Development (Review) – Maj Zavislak, USCP Lunch Conduct COA Development (CPGs) Prepare Commander’s Initial COA Brief (Brief Build Team) COA Gaming Team Meeting (Coordinate COA Gaming) Tuesday 20 August 2002 TE-4F Fourth Revision Tuesday 20 August 2002 TE-4F Fourth Revision
Note: Uniform is “civilian casual “ for workshop and cultural activity Note: Uniform is “civilian casual “ for workshop and cultural activity Senior Mentor Feedback Initial COA Brief to the Commander - COS - Commander’s Planning Guidance - Commander’s Planning Guidance COA Analysis (Review)- LtCol Loftus, USCP Break Complete COA Development and Prepare for COA Game Analysis Game Analysis COA Gaming Team Meeting (Coordinate COA Gaming) *Prepare for COA Game Analysis (CPG- 1 & 2) *Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 3 (CPG-3 and COA Gaming Team) Gaming Team) Lunch (MPAT hosted in the hotel, CTF room, buffet style) SAF Hosted Cultural Activity SAF Hosted Dinner * The actual CPG that will conduct COA Game Analysis will be separately determined Note: Uniform is “civilian casual “ for workshop and cultural activity Note: Uniform is “civilian casual “ for workshop and cultural activity Senior Mentor Feedback Initial COA Brief to the Commander - COS - Commander’s Planning Guidance - Commander’s Planning Guidance COA Analysis (Review)- LtCol Loftus, USCP Break Complete COA Development and Prepare for COA Game Analysis Game Analysis COA Gaming Team Meeting (Coordinate COA Gaming) *Prepare for COA Game Analysis (CPG- 1 & 2) *Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 3 (CPG-3 and COA Gaming Team) Gaming Team) Lunch (MPAT hosted in the hotel, CTF room, buffet style) SAF Hosted Cultural Activity SAF Hosted Dinner * The actual CPG that will conduct COA Game Analysis will be separately determined Wednesday 21 August 2002 TE-4
COA Comparison (Review)- Maj Woods/CPT Snyder Senior Mentor Feedback Prepare for COA Comparison (CPG-1 & 3) Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 2 (CPG-2 and COA Gaming Team) and COA Gaming Team) Break Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 1 (CPG-1 and COA Gaming Team) and COA Gaming Team) Prepare for COA Comparison (CPG-2 & 3) Lunch Prepare for COA Comparison (all CPGs) Conduct COA Comparison (all Plenary) Break Conduct COA Comparison (all Plenary) COA Comparison (Review)- Maj Woods/CPT Snyder Senior Mentor Feedback Prepare for COA Comparison (CPG-1 & 3) Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 2 (CPG-2 and COA Gaming Team) and COA Gaming Team) Break Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 1 (CPG-1 and COA Gaming Team) and COA Gaming Team) Prepare for COA Comparison (CPG-2 & 3) Lunch Prepare for COA Comparison (all CPGs) Conduct COA Comparison (all Plenary) Break Conduct COA Comparison (all Plenary) Thursday 22 August 2002 TE-4
Senior Mentor Feedback CPG meeting to discuss AAR input Staff Planning Cell Meetings to Develop Supporting Plans by functional area for Recommended COA, Prepare Briefing Slides functional area for Recommended COA, Prepare Briefing Slides Break COA Decision Brief to the CCTF - COS - Commander’s Guidance - Commander’s Guidance Lunch SHIRBRIG Planning-MAJ Stirpe Computer COA Gaming/Model Observations - CATS TYR Break MPAT & MNF SOP Concept Development / Way Ahead Break After Action Review – COL KC Tan / Col Ferrell 1530 Closing Ceremony Senior Mentor Feedback CPG meeting to discuss AAR input Staff Planning Cell Meetings to Develop Supporting Plans by functional area for Recommended COA, Prepare Briefing Slides functional area for Recommended COA, Prepare Briefing Slides Break COA Decision Brief to the CCTF - COS - Commander’s Guidance - Commander’s Guidance Lunch SHIRBRIG Planning-MAJ Stirpe Computer COA Gaming/Model Observations - CATS TYR Break MPAT & MNF SOP Concept Development / Way Ahead Break After Action Review – COL KC Tan / Col Ferrell 1530 Closing Ceremony Friday 23 August 2002 TE-4 Revised
Senior Mentor Feedback CPG meeting to discuss AAR input Staff Planning Cell Meetings to Develop Supporting Plans by functional area for Recommended COA (COA 3), Prepare Briefing Slides Deliverable From Staff Planning Cell Meetings: Conduct staff planning for the “COA 3” to develop supporting plans for your functional areaConduct staff planning for the “COA 3” to develop supporting plans for your functional area Develop 3 or 4 slides to present group’s recommendationsDevelop 3 or 4 slides to present group’s recommendations Determine briefer for your slides and add slides to COA Decision Brief on TE-4 Shared S-Drive “COA Decision Brief”Determine briefer for your slides and add slides to COA Decision Brief on TE-4 Shared S-Drive “COA Decision Brief” Senior Mentor Feedback CPG meeting to discuss AAR input Staff Planning Cell Meetings to Develop Supporting Plans by functional area for Recommended COA (COA 3), Prepare Briefing Slides Deliverable From Staff Planning Cell Meetings: Conduct staff planning for the “COA 3” to develop supporting plans for your functional areaConduct staff planning for the “COA 3” to develop supporting plans for your functional area Develop 3 or 4 slides to present group’s recommendationsDevelop 3 or 4 slides to present group’s recommendations Determine briefer for your slides and add slides to COA Decision Brief on TE-4 Shared S-Drive “COA Decision Brief”Determine briefer for your slides and add slides to COA Decision Brief on TE-4 Shared S-Drive “COA Decision Brief” Friday 23 August 2002 TE-4