Ort workshop on e-assessing ICT By Terry Freedman
Introduction to the session Who I am, what this session is about Intended outcomes: By the end of this session you will: Understand some of the possibilities of e- assessment Understand some of the issues and difficulties associated with e-assessment Have been introduced to some possible solutions
Terminology: what is e- assessment? Use of technology to mark students’ test papers Use of technology to assess ongoing work Assessment of students’ ICT capability We will be concentrating on the third of these.
Group work on issues: snowball exercise The aim of this exercise is to end up with no more than two sets of agreed views on the 6 most desired characteristics of ICT assessment. Write down at least 6 ideal characteristics of an e-assessment system In pairs, agree on 6 ideal characteristics of ICT assessment As above, in 4s As above in 9s
Snowball exercise: feedback to whole group Feedback Discussion Issues arising
Possible characteristics The assessment method must: assess what it purports to assess (validity), eg not merely assess memory or reading/writing ability Be accurate (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts) assess what you want it to assess assess consistently (reliability) make use of available technology be accessible
Possible characteristics The assessment method must: be useful for diagnosis be available on demand be consistent with teaching method provide information that is useful to student provide information that is useful to teacher provide information that is useful to parents provide information that is useful to employers
Possible characteristics The assessment method must: be interesting be exciting be challenging be relevant be usable by non-ICT specialists be usable in other subjects be robust, ie immune to cheating be updateable in a cost-effective way
Video What issues did you manage to identify earlier? What sorts of approaches might you use in your school?
More terminology… Terminology ICT capability Summative vs formative assessment High stakes assessment vs low-stakes assessment
… Plus a few issues Issues Competing, and conflicting, demands regarding the purpose of assessment, eg by different stakeholders Administrative considerations, eg length of test session(s) Digital divide issues
… Plus a few more issues Issues Usual assessment-related issues of reliability and validity Assessing higher-order skills Product vs process Snapshot vs movie
Possible solutions How might we address these issues and achieve the characteristics we’ve identified as desirable? How can you make use of some of the ideas shown in the video, without needing the high-tech investment shown?
Diagnostic assessment How can you find out what the individual student knows? How can you find out what proportion of the class has understood? Student response systems
Summative assessment Think about… Project work Moderation Use of rubrics Concept of key characteristics Use of an e-portfolio
Formative assessment (Assessment for Learning) Think about… Process Feedback Use of technology, eg mobile phone camera Self-assessment Peer assessment Automated marking Use of Web 2.0: blogs, wikis, forums
What next? Prioritise at least 3 things that you will do next. For example, review your current methods of assessing ICT. Think of some “quick wins”, ie things that you can put into place more or less immediately and which will make a huge impact.
Example 1: Rules Base
Example 2: Rubric See m/HP+Rubrics m/HP+Rubrics
Further ideas and information t t