March 2013~ Women’s History Month Objective: Students will identify and describe an accomplished person they admire and respect. Furthermore, they will infer why that person is so accomplished. BIOGRAPHIES OF FAMOUS PEOPLE UNIT ASSESSMENT
Identify and describe an accomplished person with the following requirements: The person is someone you admire and respect. The person can be someone you know personally, someone related to you, an athlete, a celebrity, a teacher, an artist, a musician, a politician, or someone who lived in the past. Describe the person with three different adjectives. Support the adjectives with three different reasons. Finally, explain why you admire and respect this person.
________________________(Name of person whom you admire or respect) is/was ____________________(adjective 1), _________________ (adjective 2), and _______________________(adjective 3). He/she is/was __________________(adjective 1) because he/she ___________________________(verbal phrase that supports adjective 1). Additionally, he/she is/was _________________(adjective 2) due to the fact that he/she _______________________ ___________________(verbal phrase that supports adjective 2). Finally, since ____________________(Name of person) ___________ ________________________(verbal phrase that supports adjective 3), this shows that he/she is/was ________________(adjective 3). I respect and admire ___________________ (Name of person) because _______________________________(independent clause/complete sentence that explains what makes this person accomplished, admirable, or respectable).