 Remember, you have to have all of your forms signed and turned in before you can check out a camera!


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Presentation transcript:

 Remember, you have to have all of your forms signed and turned in before you can check out a camera!

 Listen to instruction carefully. You don’t want to have to reshoot because you didn’t follow instructions. If you have questions, ask before you leave the room. You can call me on the number on your pass, or come back to the room if you need help.  When I call for you to come check out a camera, come right then. Do not wait. If I am finished checking out cameras, I will not go in and do it again. Make sure you are listening.

 If you are going out to shoot without me, while one person from each group is checking out a camera, another will fill out a pass with everyone’s name on it. I will sign it before you leave the room.  Only one person per group will go into the archive to check out a camera. That person needs to have their cell phone with them and they will be responsible for returning the camera.

 Turn the camera on. Look at the screen on the back of the camera.  Check your camera and make sure the battery is at least 2/3 charged. There is a horizontal rectangle in the upper right hand corner. If the battery is full, it will be completely green. D50 D40

 Make sure there is a memory card by looking at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If there is a bracket { } with a number in it, your camera has a memory card. If that number is under 50, tell me and I will show you how to make the proper adjustments. D50 D40

 Make sure your camera is set on manual focus. This allows you to decide what you want to focus on instead of the camera deciding for you. Your images MUST BE IN FOCUS or you will have to reshoot. You change the focus by moving the focusing ring on the end of the lens.

 Now that everything is set, focus the camera and take a picture. If everything is working correctly, check out the camera by filling out the sign out sheet completely. Anything you take out, must be on the list. Please write very neatly. Once you check it out, it is your responsibility. If there is a problem with the camera, let me know and check out a different one.

 Be back at least 40 minutes before class is over. That means you will have to work quickly to make sure everyone has a chance to shoot.  Everyone is responsible for their OWN assignments. You will be going out as a group, but you each have to do the assignment.

 Once you return to the class, download the images into the file with your name on it on the N drive. (Share/Commercial Photo/Prin 1st or 8th/ Your name) Call me over and I will grade it. There is not much time for me to grade them all, so the sooner you call me over the better. This will also give you more time to reshoot if you need to.

 Once I have checked the assignment for everyone in your group, turn in your camera. Make sure the battery is at least 2/3 full, if not, put it on one of the chargers. Make sure your camera bag is completely zipped and you mark your name off with the highlighter.  Once all of your work is complete, you can work on Photoshop.

 Simplify, Simplify, Simplify! If there is anything in the frame that does not add to the image…get rid of it.  Look carefully at your background.  Try different angles.  How is the lighting?  Is there one center if interest?  How could you improve your image?  Is it in focus?  Now that you have made your corrections…SHOOT.

 Remember, you have to have _______________________________________ before you can check out a camera!

 Check your camera and make sure the battery is at least _______ charged.

 Make sure there is a ______________ by looking at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

 Make sure your camera is set on ___________________.

 Be back at least _________ before class is over.

 Everyone is responsible for their _________ assignments.