Building Better Neighbourhoods Cllr Alice Smyth Lead Member Brian Wroe Asst Director Community Services Tony Walsh Neighbourhood Manager EVERY ONE CAN!
Salford Neighbourhoods Summit Background to Summit SSP – March 2008 Future Search – July 2008 Summit held December 2008 Who was there? What did it tell us? Build from our strengths Tackle our issues Appetite for improvement But What? How?
Building better neighbourhoods Understanding the task ‘In my view it’s all about…..’ Community Committees! Neighbourhood Managers! Resources! Governance! Community Action Plans! Co-location Services! Engagement & Empowerment! Delivery! Management Structures! The Council! My Directorate! Pledge1, Pledge2….Pledge 7! This area! Those targets! LAA! CAA! Cohesion & Equalities! Democracy! Neighbourhoo d Level! Smaller than neighbourhood level! The big picture! Area Co- ordinators! All Partners! Or all of the above?
Understanding the task “THE DELIVERY WHEEL” “We need to be all driving in the same direction… to the same place” That’s got to mean all joined up at: Agency level Partnership level Neighbourhood level Community level
Understanding the task Why do we need to change? Partnership targets Partnership inspections Legislation eg Duty To Involve City and national context Demand and Resources “No change” is not an option
Understanding the task Opportunities and responsibilities: Outcomes for our citizens Service delivery and narrowing the gap Customer relationships Supporting democracy Inclusion and Cohesion CAA, LAA etc Re-focusing for the challenges ahead
Understanding the task Some key understandings: Strengths to build from Need a clear, shared vision Needs to be understandable Needs to be efficient and affordable Needs a whole system solution Engaging the community is a delivery issue “People & Culture” as well as “Structure and Process” Perceptions are important
Our Vision: “Everyone Can” Salford will be made up of successful neighbourhoods where: Everyone can see things improving. Everyone can be proud to live and work. Everyone can get along. Everyone can find out what is happening. Everyone can access the services they need. Everyone can connect to opportunities. Everyone can have their say. Everyone can work well together. Everyone can help. Everyone can benefit.
Strong Foundations To be successful we will make sure that Everyone Can understand: What we are all trying to do. Who is in charge of what. How staff can work together. How managers and councillors can work together. How local people can play a vital part. How we can support everyone to be successful. How it all joins together.
Recommendations and Next Steps Partnership input to our recommendations Recommendations – what do they mean? Supported at SCC Cabinet Building support From ideas to delivery
Building Better Neighbourhoods: Everyone Can Everyone Can SUPPORT EACH OTHER Everyone Can SHAPE DECISIONS Everyone Can IMPROVE NEIGHB’HOOD SERVICES Everyone Can STRENGTHEN COMMUNITIES Partnership level Neighbourhood level Community level
Views and Ideas Group Discussion exercise: Four mixed groups One theme each Three levels to each theme. Please highlight: –Opportunities –Challenges –Who needs to talk to whom? –How can you help? Everyone Can!
Building Better Neighbourhoods: Everyone Can Everyone Can SUPPORT EACH OTHER Everyone Can SHAPE DECISIONS Everyone Can IMPROVE NEIGHB’HOOD SERVICES Everyone Can STRENGTHEN COMMUNITIES Partnership level Neighbourhood level Community level