Annotation To listen: /
What is textual evidence? Textual evidence is evidence/support used to support an argument/position, and is derived from reading and drawing from other text. It is provided in the form of quotation, paraphrase, descriptions of theory and also description. It's importance is in the detail, and in paying attention to the detail in words and intent...
How to use textual evidence To support a point, you might choose a specific quote, thought or theory from a writing. To test how well your textual evidence will work, try playing devil's advocate-- in other words, if someone offered you that same evidence, and it was your job to refute it, what holes in your evidence can you find? One presents textual evidence as they would other evidence, except the source is cited. You will provide the context and relevance to your point (i.e., "this means....such and such....because..." - or- "we can see that this quote has relevance because...").
Where do I begin? To search for textual evidence, you would begin with text (this could be story, newspaper, fiction, nonfiction, etc.) When reading the text, you would annotate…
What is annotation or annotating the text? a note of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram. Notice the words note and notation as clues to the word's meaning.
How do I do it???
Steps for Annotation 1. Analyze the title- Circle and underline key words and vocabulary, then clarify (explain meaning of the key words) 2. Identify genre (i.e. article, story, novel, etc.), point of view (first person, third person, omniscient), and purpose (to entertain, to inform, to describe, or to persuade or convince). This can either be done as step 2 or at any point throughout the reading of the text. Place at the top left-hand corner of the text.
Steps for Annotation Read each paragraph one by one- read the paragraph once. Then, reread the paragraph circling and underlining the main claim or ideas, plus evidence to support those claims. Circle any key vocabulary words in the text and define it above or below the word, or place the word on the lines provided at the end of the passage, give part of speech, define it, and provide a sentence using a context clue. 4. In the left margin, paraphrase (put into your own words) all the circled and underlined information from the text using a bulleted format either using a few words or a phrase (no complete sentences) in chronological order, the order in which it appears in the original text.
Steps for Annotation In the right margin, respond to each paragraph with at least two comments or questions. Types of responses include: question (either about context or to extend thinking about something briefly mentioned in the text), make a connection (either personal, to history, to literature, movies, culture, etc.) predict (make an educated guess about what will happen next), evaluate (either agree or disagree and tell why), clarify (further explain the meaning of the words, phrases, or ideas).
Practice Typhoon Nari hits Vietnam prompting mass evacuations HANOI — Typhoon Nari knocked down trees and damaged hundreds of houses in central Vietnam early on Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, state media reported. More than 122,000 people had been moved to safe ground in several provinces, including Quang Nam and Danang city, by late Monday before the typhoon arrived, the official Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported. Nari later hit the Vietnamese coast with wind speeds of up to 63 mph. Soldiers were sent to help people reinforce their homes and guide ships to shelter in Danang, a famous tourist destination, state-run Voice of Vietnam radio said. More than 2,000 passengers were stranded when national carrier Vietnam Airlines canceled 14 flights on Monday and planned to delay another eight on Tuesday, the airline said in a statement. Vietnam's central region is widely exposed to the sea and is often hit during the storm season between July and October. Typhoon Nari did not affect the Central Highlands, Vietnam's coffee belt, which lies further to the south. Nari was moving west at about 10 mph and was expected to weaken into a tropical depression later on Tuesday, the national weather station said. **Note: news article from MSN
Practice – Step 1: analyze the title Circle and underline key words and vocabulary, then clarify (explain meaning of the key words) Typhoon Nari hits Vietnam prompting mass evacuations HANOI — Typhoon Nari knocked down trees and damaged hundreds of houses in central Vietnam early on Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, state media reported. More than 122,000 people had been moved to safe ground in several provinces, including Quang Nam and Danang city, by late Monday before the typhoon arrived, the official Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported. Nari later hit the Vietnamese coast with wind speeds of up to 63 mph. Soldiers were sent to help people reinforce their homes and guide ships to shelter in Danang, a famous tourist destination, state-run Voice of Vietnam radio said. More than 2,000 passengers were stranded when national carrier Vietnam Airlines canceled 14 flights on Monday and planned to delay another eight on Tuesday, the airline said in a statement. Vietnam's central region is widely exposed to the sea and is often hit during the storm season between July and October. Typhoon Nari did not affect the Central Highlands, Vietnam's coffee belt, which lies further to the south. Nari was moving west at about 10 mph and was expected to weaken into a tropical depression later on Tuesday, the national weather station said. **Note: news article from MSN Hint: on the computer, sometimes it is easier to highlight/ change colors/underline than circle Step 1: red Notes: Typhoon: giant storm from the water Nari: name of storm Vietnam: country Evacuations: people leaving
Practice step 2: Identify genre (i.e. article, story, novel, etc.), point of view (first person, third person, omniscient), and purpose (to entertain, to inform, to describe, or to persuade or convince). This can either be done as step 2 or at any point throughout the reading of the text. Place at the top left-hand corner of the text. Typhoon Nari hits Vietnam prompting mass evacuations HANOI — Typhoon Nari knocked down trees and damaged hundreds of houses in central Vietnam early on Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, state media reported. More than 122,000 people had been moved to safe ground in several provinces, including Quang Nam and Danang city, by late Monday before the typhoon arrived, the official Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported. Nari later hit the Vietnamese coast with wind speeds of up to 63 mph. Soldiers were sent to help people reinforce their homes and guide ships to shelter in Danang, a famous tourist destination, state-run Voice of Vietnam radio said. More than 2,000 passengers were stranded when national carrier Vietnam Airlines canceled 14 flights on Monday and planned to delay another eight on Tuesday, the airline said in a statement. Vietnam's central region is widely exposed to the sea and is often hit during the storm season between July and October. Typhoon Nari did not affect the Central Highlands, Vietnam's coffee belt, which lies further to the south. Nari was moving west at about 10 mph and was expected to weaken into a tropical depression later on Tuesday, the national weather station said. **Note: news article from MSN Step 2: blue Notes: Genre: news article Point of view: Omniscient (careful with news articles, because they don’t generally state everything) Purpose: inform, as we notice it is not asking us to do anything
Practice step 3: Read each paragraph one by one- read the paragraph once. Then, reread the paragraph circling and underlining the main claim or ideas, plus evidence to support those claims. Circle any key vocabulary words in the text and define it above or below the word, or place the word on the lines provided at the end of the passage, give part of speech, define it, and provide a sentence using a context clue. Typhoon Nari hits Vietnam prompting mass evacuations HANOI — Typhoon Nari knocked down trees and damaged hundreds of houses in central Vietnam early on Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, state media reported. More than 122,000 people had been moved to safe ground in several provinces, including Quang Nam and Danang city, by late Monday before the typhoon arrived, the official Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported. Nari later hit the Vietnamese coast with wind speeds of up to 63 mph. Soldiers were sent to help people reinforce their homes and guide ships to shelter in Danang, a famous tourist destination, state-run Voice of Vietnam radio said. More than 2,000 passengers were stranded when national carrier Vietnam Airlines canceled 14 flights on Monday and planned to delay another eight on Tuesday, the airline said in a statement. Vietnam's central region is widely exposed to the sea and is often hit during the storm season between July and October. Typhoon Nari did not affect the Central Highlands, Vietnam's coffee belt, which lies further to the south. Nari was moving west at about 10 mph and was expected to weaken into a tropical depression later on Tuesday, the national weather station said. **Note: news article from MSN Step 3: yellow Notes: Paragraph 1: Typhoon – damaged – hundreds evacuated Paragraph 2 – moved to safe ground Monday before typhoon hit Paragraph 3 – later hit the coast Paragraph 4 – solders help people reinforce homes Paragraph 5 – passangers stranded, 14 flights canceled Paragraph 6 – widely exposed to Sea, but did not affect central Highlands, coffee region Paragraph 7 – storm moving west and should weaken **define any unknown words.
Practice step 4 - In the left margin, paraphrase (put into your own words) all the circled and underlined information from the text using a bulleted format either using a few words or a phrase (no complete sentences) in chronological order, the order in which it appears in the original text. Typhoon Nari hits Vietnam prompting mass evacuations HANOI — Typhoon Nari knocked down trees and damaged hundreds of houses in central Vietnam early on Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, state media reported. More than 122,000 people had been moved to safe ground in several provinces, including Quang Nam and Danang city, by late Monday before the typhoon arrived, the official Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported. Nari later hit the Vietnamese coast with wind speeds of up to 63 mph. Soldiers were sent to help people reinforce their homes and guide ships to shelter in Danang, a famous tourist destination, state-run Voice of Vietnam radio said. More than 2,000 passengers were stranded when national carrier Vietnam Airlines canceled 14 flights on Monday and planned to delay another eight on Tuesday, the airline said in a statement. Vietnam's central region is widely exposed to the sea and is often hit during the storm season between July and October. Typhoon Nari did not affect the Central Highlands, Vietnam's coffee belt, which lies further to the south. Nari was moving west at about 10 mph and was expected to weaken into a tropical depression later on Tuesday, the national weather station said. **Note: news article from MSN Step 4: green Notes: Typhoon Nari created a lot of damage in Vietnam No people were hurt Soldiers were helping Flights were canceled Vietnam has lots of coast exposed to sea Coffee was not hurt Storm was weakening
Step 5:. In the right margin, respond to each paragraph with at least two comments or questions. Types of responses include: question (either about context or to extend thinking about something briefly mentioned in the text), make a connection (either personal, to history, to literature, movies, culture, etc.) predict (make an educated guess about what will happen next), evaluate (either agree or disagree and tell why), clarify (further explain the meaning of the words, phrases, or ideas). Typhoon Nari hits Vietnam prompting mass evacuations HANOI — Typhoon Nari knocked down trees and damaged hundreds of houses in central Vietnam early on Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, state media reported. More than 122,000 people had been moved to safe ground in several provinces, including Quang Nam and Danang city, by late Monday before the typhoon arrived, the official Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported. Nari later hit the Vietnamese coast with wind speeds of up to 63 mph. Soldiers were sent to help people reinforce their homes and guide ships to shelter in Danang, a famous tourist destination, state-run Voice of Vietnam radio said. More than 2,000 passengers were stranded when national carrier Vietnam Airlines canceled 14 flights on Monday and planned to delay another eight on Tuesday, the airline said in a statement. Vietnam's central region is widely exposed to the sea and is often hit during the storm season between July and October. Typhoon Nari did not affect the Central Highlands, Vietnam's coffee belt, which lies further to the south. Nari was moving west at about 10 mph and was expected to weaken into a tropical depression later on Tuesday, the national weather station said. **Note: news article from MSN Step 5: purple Notes: this could be on the other side also. This is a short article, so I will put it together. Where are Vietnam and all of these provinces? What exactly is a typhoon (I only know it is a big storm) Big storm off the sea – Like Hurricanes?
Finally You can look at all of your notes to move forward with assignments.
Assignment Assignment: annotate any text of your choosing (I would pick a newspaper article) and it to me, so I know that you understand this. I will give you credit for an English lesson if you complete this.