Future directions in Ground-Based Gamma-Ray Astronomy Simon Swordy - TeV Particle Astro II, UW Madison, 2006
Future of ground-based gamma-rays, postulate: "Where there's a will there's a way.." Discuss..
Some History
The Crab in early x-rays from a rocket flight....
Balloon "sky survey"......
Catalog of objects, mostly not there...
What happened next? Balloon/ x-rays >20keV Then Now still awaiting NuSTAR NASA/Explorer Rocket/ x-rays<10keV etc....
WHY did <10keV do so much better? The technology of x-ray mirrors as focusing optics could be used <10keV, (now also possible >20keV, hence NuSTAR) Low energy x-ray detectors could be built from silicon -> CCDs Low energy single photon resolution became sub arcsec The energy window ~20-100keV is only being more fully explored recently because modern detector technology in SWIFT has angular resolution ~17arcmin. (Coded mask and CdZnTe).
Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy will not be able get much better than ~5arcmin (for single gamma), so several objects will always seem close to point-like (e.g. Cass A, Tycho, Crab..) It cannot compete with optical, radio, soft x-ray in the detailed morphology of sources..... but it can provide a clear outline of the extreme non-thermal pieces of our Galaxy and beyond. So.....
So what "ways" are there and where might they go? Air CerenkovFutureParticle ArraysFuture Energy Thr (GeV) ~100<50~2000<200 FOV (sq deg.) ~12~100?~5000 Livetime~8%10%?95%>95% -ray ang. res. (deg.) ?1<0.4 Collection Area (m 2 ) -ray energy res. ~20%15%~75%40% hadron rejection >99.9%>99.95%~90%
"Easy" ways to go.. Make 'em bigger (increase to an array size of sqkm) Make 'em higher (go up a bigger mountain) "Tricky" ways to go... Lower energy threshold (going up a mountain helps, high QE devices help) Increase FOV for air cherenkov (some optical limits to this) Seemingly impossible stuff... Get better single photon angular resolution Increase live-time for air cherenkov
Distance From Center Of Array [m] Array telescopes 2.8 hexagonal rings m separation Telescope and Detector 1.ø10m equivalent 2.QE = 0.25 (Bialkali) 3.15º field of view Facts and Figures 1.Outer radius: 640m 2.Single cell area: 5543m 2 3.Total area: 1.06km 2 Some examples: S. Fegan, V. Vassiliev, UCLA "HE-ASTRO" concept
Field of view [π sr] Field of view [deg] Current IACTAs Narrow field of view <0.01 km 40 GeV km 100 GeV km 10 TeV Square KM Array Continuum of modes Trade area for solid angle Parallel mode Narrow field of view 1 km 40 GeV 2 km 100 GeV 4-5 km 10 TeV “Fly’s Eye” mode Wide field of view km 40 GeV km 100 GeV 3-4 km 10 TeV Observation Modes Collecting Area [km 2 ]
HAWC or miniHAWC? (300m versus 150m baseline) New Info…
Milagro group + collaborators
few 1000 m High-energy section ~0.05% area coverage E th ~ 1-2 TeV 250 m Medium-energy section ~1% area coverage E th ~ GeV 70 m Low-energy section ~10% area coverage E th ~ GeV Hofmann: Array layout: 2-3 Zones FoV increasing to 8-10 degr. in outer sections CTA - European Initiative (HESS+MAGIC)
Not to scale ! Option: Mix of telescope types
Sensitivity on Crab: Whipple 5 /√hr Milagro ~8 /√yr (wide angle) VERITAS-4, etc 23 /√hr HAWC 7 /√hr (wide angle) HE-ASTRO23 /√hr (wide angle) HE-ASTRO166 /√hr (sees Crab in 3s!)
Some Ways Forward: In principle, collection area can be increased ad infinitum. The collection area of present ACTs is defined by the light pool size. The detector becomes larger than the light pool above ~10 5 m 2. Future ACT arrays head toward >1km 2 Higher altitude sites help ACTs and ground arrays, probably >3000m (presently ~2000m). Coverage of full sky is highly desirable -> north and south facilities. Given expected world-wide resources ( two observatories All-sky monitoring capability at <0.1 Crab level seems essential. Possibly with a co-located HAWC-type detector, or with a single HE-ASTRO-type detector, or maybe something new. The interested science community will probably grow significantly - we need to get our world-wide act together