GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Status Report  Executive Summary  News  “Unfunded” EU DataGrid Posts  Shadow.


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Presentation transcript:

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Status Report  Executive Summary  News  “Unfunded” EU DataGrid Posts  Shadow Project Management Board  Management Structure  Major Deliverables  Information Flow  GridPP Team  Summary  1st GridPP Collab. Meeting - Agenda

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Executive Summary  £40M 3-Year Programme  LHC Computing Challenge  = Grid Technology  Five Components:  Foundation  Production  Middleware  Exploitation  Value-added Exploitation  Emphasis on Grid Service and Core Middleware  UK computing strength within CERN  Integrated with EU DataGrid, PPDG and GrPhyN  Facilities at CERN, RAL and up to four UK Tier-2 sites  Centres = Dissemination  LHC developments integrated into current programme (BaBar,CDF,D0)  Robust Management Structure  Deliverables in March 2002, 2003, 2004

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow News  2/4/1GridPP document submitted - large effort by many people:  (.htm)  5/4/1PPARC Ad-Hoc Committee met  allocated 6 EU DataGrid posts (Bristol, Glasgow, Imperial, Liverpool, Manchester, UCL)  ….. and disbanded => Internal Discussions GridPP approved to internally determine posts  3/5/1Shadow Project Management Board Constituted  Goal: allocate 9 remaining EU DataGrid posts  Internal Tenders due by Monday 21st May  24/5/11st GridPP Meeting - late bookings? contact  30/5/11st PPARC e-science Steering Meeting

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow “Unfunded” EU DataGrid Posts AREA RA Allocation Data Management 0.5 Monitoring Services 2.0 Testbed 2.0 Mass Storage 1.0 HEP Applications 3.5 Total 9.0  Contact: Robin Middleton  Contacts: Steve Lloyd (ATLAS), Nick Brook (LHCb), Dave Britton (CMS), Ian Bloodworth (ALICE).

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Shadow Project Management Board  Goal: allocate 9 remaining EU DataGrid posts  Interim Project Leader Tony Doyle  Interim Deputy Project Leader John Gordon  Interim Chair of the CB Steve Lloyd  Interim Chair of the TB Robin Middleton  Experiments Representative Dave Britton  Experiments Representative Nick Brook  CERN Liaison Les Robertson  e-Science Director (in Att) Neil Geddes  Structure reflects proposed PMB constitution (takes place Peer Review Selection Committee in final structure)  Final PMB structure will be determined starting from election of Collaboration Board chair

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Management Structure = Basis for Technical Information Flow = Basis for Technical Information Flow Integrate this meeting into this structure Integrate this meeting into this structure

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Major Deliverables  Prototype IMar 2002  Performance and scalability testing of components of the computing fabric (clusters, disk storage, mass storage system, system installation, system monitoring) using straightforward physics applications. Testing of the job scheduling and data replication software from the first DataGrid release (M9).  Prototype IIMar 2003  Prototyping of the integrated local computing fabric, with emphasis on scaling, reliability and resilience to errors. Performance testing of LHC applications. Distributed HEP and other science application models using the second DataGrid release (M21).  Prototype IIIMar 2004  Full scale testing of the LHC computing model with fabric management and Grid management software for Tier-0 and Tier-1 centres, with some Tier-2 components. This will use the software from the final DataGrid release (M33). M9 important: working demonstrators (public spending review) need to ensure key areas are visible

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Information Flow announcements via: web communication via: We can improve here….

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Team Dissemination/ Collaborations (Roger Jones) Software ExperimentsTestbed Support (Nick Brook)(Dave Newbold) (Andrew McNab) Workload Information ServicesMonitoring Mass Storage Managementand Services and (Dave Colling) Data Management (Robin Middleton) Fabric Management (Alex Martin) (Themis Bowcock) SecurityNetworking (Dave Kelsey) (Pete Clarke) CERN (Les Robertson) = Basis for Technical Information Flow?...Technical Task Force (  = 1 month)...Technical Task Force (  = 1 month)

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Summary  Learning to crawl…  … quickly  Immediate Priority: allocating EU DataGrid posts  timescale: 21st May  scope: 1 page  short technical input  Medium Term (M9): important to translate into demonstrators  Medium Term (M9, in parallel):  Implementation of final GridPP structure  Definition of scope of Collaboration…  First steps…  1st Collaboration Meeting  All Welcome!  Contact Cosener’s House   quote “GridPP”

GRID IIII D UK Particle Physics Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Agenda (10/5/01) 1st GridPP Collaboration Meeting - Cosener's House: May 24/25th 24th May 10:30-11:00 Arrive (Coffee) Scope, Aims and Background to the Meeting [Chair: Paul Jeffreys] 11:00-11:30 Introduction - Steve Lloyd 11:30-12:00 Current Project Structure - Tony Doyle 12:00-12:30 Current Manpower Allocations - Dave Britton 12:30-1:30 Lunch Middleware I "Midfield" [Chair: Roger Barlow] 1:30-1:45 Architecture Task Force - Steve Fisher 1:45-2:00 A: Workload Management - Steve Fisher (PP Dave Colling) (PP Dave Colling) 2:00-2:30 B: Information Services and Data Management - Alex Martin 2:30-3:00 C: Monitoring Services - Robin Middleton 3:00-3:30 D: Fabric Management and Mass Storage - John Gordon (PP Themis Bowcock) (PP Themis Bowcock) 3:30-4:00 Tea Middleware II "Defence" [Chair: Fabrizio Gagliardi] 4:00-4:30 E: Security - Dave Kelsey 4:30-5:00 F: Networking - Pete Clarke 5:00-5:30 K: CERN - Tony Cass (PP Les Robertson) (PP Les Robertson) 5:30-6:00 Discussion 6:00-7:00 Dinner Experiment Objectives and Collaborations "Attack" [Chair: Pete Watkins] 7:00-7:30 G: Prototype Grid - Dave Newbold 7:30-8:00 H: Software Support - Andrew McNab 8:00-8:30 I: Experiment Objectives - Nick Brook 8:30-9:00 J: Dissemination - Roger Jones 25th May Open Issues Discussion 9:00-10:00 Technical Issues Discussion Leader - John Gordon 10:00-11:00 Experiment/Collab. Issues: Discussion Leader - Andy Parker 11:00-11:30 Coffee 11:30-12:30 Sub-group Discussions (Probably 4 groups - to be determined) 1. Attack 2. Midfield 3. Defence 4. Shadow Project Management Board 12:30-1:30 Lunch Preparations for E-science Committtee 1:30-2:00 PPARC perspective - Neil Geddes The e-science committee meets in the following week (30-31/5/01). We have been asked to present the GridPP proposal to the committee. An agenda for this section will be drawn up once this becomes clearer... 3:00-3:30 Round Up Discussion on Future Plans: Discussion Leader? 3:30-4:00 Depart (Tea)