Welcome to MT140 Introduction to Management Unit 5 Seminar – Leading
Agenda General Questions and Announcements Introduction What People Want from Leaders Leadership Traits Charismatic versus Transformational Leaders Conclusion of Seminar
What Managers Do: POLC P = Planning: The management function of systematically making decisions about goals and activities that an individual, a group, a work unit, or the overall organization will pursue. O = Organizing: The management function of assembling and coordinating human, financial, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals. L = Leading: The management function that involves the manager’s efforts to stimulate high performance by employees. C = Control: The management function of monitoring performance and making needed changes.
Unit 5 Objectives During this unit we will: 1. Designate conclusions to management issues 2. Discuss the difference between managing and leading 3. Identify aspects of employee motivation
Key Concepts Effective leaders are talented in combining strategy and interpersonal skills to formulate plans and implement strategies that create positive results. Managers can employ practical, effective techniques for increasing people’s effort and performance.
What People Want From Their Leaders What do you look for in a leader?
Leadership Traits Drive: Refers to a high level of effort, high need for achievement, energy, tenacity, and persistence. Motivation: Refers to the desire to lead. Related to extroversion and a high need for power. This influences the leader to attempt to influence others and retains the leader’s interest in leadership. Integrity: Refers to the correspondence of actions with words. It denotes honesty and credibility. These traits inspire confidence in others. Self-Confidence: Refers to the ability to overcome setbacks and defeats, to make decisions under uncertainty and to instill confidence in others. Knowledge of Business: Refers to the ability to accurately interpret vast quantities of information relative to the business at hand.
What People Want From Their Leaders Vision: A mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the organization. Leadership: -Supervisory Leadership: Behavior that provides day-to-day guidance, support, and corrective feedback. -Strategic Leadership: Gives purpose and meaning to organizations by anticipating and envisioning a viable future for the organization and working with others to initiate changes that create such a future.
Quote "A much quoted bromide...defines 'management' as the skill of getting people to do something that you want them to do because you want them to do it and 'leadership' as the art of getting people to do something you want them to do because they want to do it." Sal F. Marino, "The Difference Between Managing and Leading", Industry Week, June 17, 1999.
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading People HaveSubordinates HorizonShort Term ApproachSets Direction EnergyPassion DynamicReactive PersuasionSell WantsResults DirectionNew Roads
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading PeopleLeader HaveSubordinates HorizonShort Term ApproachSets Direction EnergyPassion DynamicReactive PersuasionSell WantsResults DirectionNew Roads
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading PeopleLeader HaveSubordinatesManager HorizonShort Term ApproachSets Direction EnergyPassion DynamicReactive PersuasionSell WantsResults DirectionNew Roads
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading PeopleLeader HaveSubordinatesManager HorizonShort TermManager ApproachSets Direction EnergyPassion DynamicReactive PersuasionSell WantsResults DirectionNew Roads
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading PeopleLeader HaveSubordinatesManager HorizonShort TermManager ApproachSets DirectionLeader EnergyPassion DynamicReactive PersuasionSell WantsResults DirectionNew Roads
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading PeopleLeader HaveSubordinatesManager HorizonShort TermManager ApproachSets DirectionLeader EnergyPassionLeader DynamicReactive PersuasionSell WantsResults DirectionNew Roads
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading PeopleLeader HaveSubordinatesManager HorizonShort TermManager ApproachSets DirectionLeader EnergyPassionLeader DynamicReactiveManager PersuasionSell WantsResults DirectionNew Roads
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading PeopleLeader HaveSubordinatesManager HorizonShort TermManager ApproachSets DirectionLeader EnergyPassionLeader DynamicReactiveManager PersuasionSellLeader WantsResults DirectionNew Roads
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading PeopleLeader HaveSubordinatesManager HorizonShort TermManager ApproachSets DirectionLeader EnergyPassionLeader DynamicReactiveManager PersuasionSellLeader WantsResultsManager DirectionNew Roads
Leader vs. Manager SubjectManager or Leader ?Answer FocusLeading PeopleLeader HaveSubordinatesManager HorizonShort TermManager ApproachSets DirectionLeader EnergyPassionLeader DynamicReactiveManager PersuasionSellLeader WantsResultsManager DirectionNew RoadsLeader
What People Want From Their Leaders (Continued) Power: Five Sources: 1) Legitimate Power: right and authority 2) Reward Power: controls rewards 3) Coercive Power: punishment control 4) Referent Power: motivational 5) Expert Power: expertise and knowledge
Charismatic vs. Transformational Leaders Charismatic Leaders: Leaders who are dominant, self-confident, convinced of the righteousness of his or her beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers. Transformational Leaders: Leaders who motivate people to transcend their personal interests for the good of the group. Transactional Leaders: Leaders who manage through their transactions, using their legitimate reward, and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered.
Any questions ?
Week 5 Tasks Finish Chapter 9 reading - pgs Finish Chapter 10 reading – pgs Participate in discussion Complete review ALL TASKS ARE TO BE COMPLETED BY TUESDAY NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT
Instructor Contact Information me at – I will return your within 24 hrs in most AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name: tnjhoov Office Hours – Monday nights 8 – 9 pm EST – Ask questions and get a response immediately. For more personal questions please send me an .
See you next week! After this seminar has concluded, there will be a recording in the archives located in the seminar room. It may be selected by date.
Thank You for Joining Me This Evening! Good Night All!