Bell Ringer You will have a Write Now, but first, each group member should follow one of the following steps: 1.One person in the group collect all character confessionals 2.One person in the group check to see if everyone replied to Discussion Board question & two other people 3.One person in the group grab a half page Task One Rubric from the chair – one per group only. Write names down. 4.One person in the group get presentation pieces put together and write the Group Member names on the Task One rubric on your desk. 1.If your group has more than 4, have a few people do this step. WORK QUICKLY… YOU WILL ONLY HAVE ABOUT 5 MINUTES
Write Now…Leader “One of the most important leadership lessons is realizing you’re not the most important or the most intelligent person in the room at all times.” Mario Batali Paragraph One: Respond to the above quote Paragraph Two: Analyze the method used to determine who is the “leader” of the island. Why do you believe Ralph was chosen over Jack? Does his physical appearance have anything to do with the decision? Who will make the better leader? Paragraph Two: Analyze the method used to determine who is the “leader” of the island. Why do you believe Ralph was chosen over Jack? Does his physical appearance have anything to do with the decision? Who will make the better leader? Paragraph Three: How does this compare to how leaders are chosen in our schools? Country? What makes a good leader in today’s society? Paragraph Three: How does this compare to how leaders are chosen in our schools? Country? What makes a good leader in today’s society? Paragraph Four: Conclusion100+ Paragraph Four: Conclusion100+
Group Reflection 1.How well has your group been sticking with the constitution? 2.If you have been struggling with some aspect of the plan, what is the group’s decision about how to be more successful? 3.Where do you think you rank right now? (Rankings will be revealed on the next slide.)
1B Rankings 1.Group 1 2.Group 6 3.Group 2 4.Group 3 5.Group 5 6.Group 4