ePortfolio Task Group (ePTG) Chair: Ellen Murphy, Director of Online Curriculum, Empire State College Four subcommittees are currently examining use of ePortfolios: K-12 applications, pre- and post-teacher certification Prior learning assessment/recognition and portability among SUNY’s Use for course/program assessment, capstones, career development, reflective practice/metacognition Lifelong learning & professional development. A separate charge is guiding detailed work, the participants are on track to meet our collective goals. FACT Task Group Progress
Learning Analytics Task Group (LATG) Co-Chairs: Clare van den Blink, Director, Academic Technologies – Cornell University Jim Greenberg, Director, Teaching, Learning & Technology Ctr. - SUNY Oneonta Explore potential implementation & applications of LA across SUNY. Provide opportunities for SUNY faculty to contribute to LA best practices. Explore how to best leverage tools (software) and partnerships (business, organizations) inside and outside SUNY. Identify and share exemplary uses of LA across SUNY. Collaborate with campuses to identify existing policies and laws (FERPA, HIPAA, etc.) and recommend additional policies as needed to ensure the appropriate and ethical use of Learning Analytics within SUNY. FACT Task Group Progress
Developmental Education Task Group (DETG) Chair: Nicole Adsitt, Coordinator, Developmental Studies & Instructor, Cayuga Community College The environmental scan of resources will focus on the following areas through four subcommittees: 1. Developmental Reading 2. Developmental Writing 3. Developmental Math 4. College level courses using embedded skills approach Paired courses 3+1 skills lab formats Supplemental instruction using skills tutors within content courses Subcommittees will be reviewing literature, looking at institutional pilots/models, specific technology strategies in order to develop recommendations and resource lists that highlight best practices. FACT Task Group Progress