Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth. DATE Aug. 24, 2015 Reminders Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth. DO NOW In your composition notebook respond to the following question (you do not need to write the question down): AGENDA Quickwrite Hidden Intellectualism What is an intellectual Street smarts vs. book smarts Read Annotate Chunk the text They Say/I Say Your informal homework assignment this weekend was to share your personality traits with someone who knows you well. What was their response? Did they agree/disagree? Explain. LAST CLASS: Personality Test NEXT CLASS: Want to get into college? Learn to fail. HOMEWORK None LEARNING FOCUS FOR TODAY Analyzing the schooling system an forms of knowledge it recognizes and how that impacts students.
Hidden intellectualism street Smarts vs. Book Smarts
Intellectualism In your group, create your own definition of intellectual You cannot use a phone, dictionary, or other device besides your brain and existing knowledge of the word I want to know how you define what an intellectual is Provide an example of 2 people you agree are intellectuals and be able to explain why
Street smart vs book smarts Gerald Graff’s essay “Hidden Intellectualism” poses questions about the way we see “intellect” in and outside of school. In this essay, Graff argues that a student’s intelligence may be “hidden” when viewed only from the perspective of school learning. He prompts all of us to look again at the intellectual abilities we possess. When we explore this topic, we often think about the difference between those who do well in school and are labeled “book smart” versus those who may not do as well at school, but have a wealth of information pertaining to things outside of school that we typically identify as “street smart.” We are going to chalk talk the difference between street smarts and book smarts.
Begin by reading and annotating the text Next, break the text into smaller chunks (sections) by Intro, topics, and conclusion For each body section, provide a brief topic and then provide a brief summary that paraphrases the main idea
Find the Theses Graff’s piece is unique in that it has more than 1 thesis and the theses are located throughout the piece. In your group, locate and discuss what you believe are Graff’s theses. On your chunking paper write down how many theses you believe there are and the corresponding paragraph # for each.
They Say… The general argument made by author ____________ in her/his work, __title of the text____, is that _______________. More specifically, X argues that _______________. She/he writes, “ _______________.” In this passage, X is suggesting that _______________. In conclusion, X’s belief is that _______________.
i Say… In my view, X is wrong/right, because _______________. More specifically, I believe that _______________. For example, ___________. Although X might object that __________, I maintain that _______________. Therefore, I conclude that _______________.
Homework Read and annotate the article “Want to get into college? Learn to fail” by Angel Perez and Complete a dialectical journal with a minimum of 5 entries choose at minimum 5 significant quotes and Copy them down on the left side of the dialectical journal On the right hand side, reflect on the quote and respond in a few sentences.
Dialectical journal Responses In the “response column” you can Raise questions about the beliefs and values implied in the text Give your personal reactions to the passage Discuss the words, ideas, or actions of the author Tell what it reminds you of from your own experiences Compare it to other texts Write about what it makes you think or feel Argue with or speak to the author