Notable People in Psychology Wilhelm Wundt –established the first psychology laboratory G. Stanley Hall – established America’s first psychology lab (at Johns Hopkins) William James – published Principles of Psychology, the first widely used psychology textbook. Edward Thorndike –conducted the first experiments on animal learning Mary Whiton Calkins – First female president of the American Psychological Association (APA) Margaret Floyd Washburn – First woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology. Groups of 3 – create mnemonic devices
Practice 1. He conducted the first experiments on animal learning. 2. He established the first psychology lab in America (at Johns Hopkins) 3. He established the first psychology laboratory. 3. He published Principles of Psychology, the first widely used psychology textbook 4. She was the first female president of the American Psychological Association (APA). 5. She was the first woman to receive a PhD in psychology
Harder Practice 1.He is considered the father of experimental psychology. 2.His writing made him a very influential on how psychology was taught. 3.In his early experiments, he discovered the “Law of Effect”—that animals are likely to repeat behaviors that are rewarded. 4.Despite completing all the requirements for a Ph.D., she was denied the degree because of her gender. Later, she became the president of the APA. 5.She received her Ph.D. in psychology in 1908, a first for women. 6.Psychology blossomed in America, at least partly thanks to this student of Wundt’s who moved here in 1883 from Germany.