A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo- Controlled, Multi-Institutional, Cross-Over Phase II.5 Study of Saracatinib, a Selective Src Kinase Inhibitor, in Patients with Recurrent Osteosarcoma Localized to the Lung Principal Investigator: Melinda Merchant, MD, PhD Pediatric Oncology Branch National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health SARC012
SARC Sponsor and coordinating center AstraZeneca Supporter
SARC012 Background Phase II.5 study of saracatinib in recurrent osteosarcoma localized to the lung 2012 protocol amended to allow cross-over if progression on placebo June 2013 IDMC recommended study remain open to interim analysis
SARC012 Resection of all remaining nodules, verification of recurrent osteosarcoma Randomized to receive saracatinib or placebo continuous (364 days/13 cycles) Thoracic CT Wk 3-4, 6-8; then every 3 months Complete 13 cycles Study Follow up Recur in lung while on study Unblinding Patients on placebo may undergo another resection, and if fully resected, will be given option to receive saracatinib for 13 cycles.
SARC012 Study Sites Sites Open for Enrollment National Cancer Institute Stanford University of Alabama University of Michigan UCLA Sarcoma Oncology Ctr U of Wash –Seattle CC St. Jude’s Johns Hopkins University of Iowa Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Dana Farber Dana Farber Partners CC University of Miami University of Florida Children’s Hospital LA USC
Study Status Enrollment n= 43 Randomized pts n= 36 On study treatment n= 5 Off study n= 22 In follow-up n= 7 Cross over n= 2 Goal for Interim Analysis n= 40 Randomized patients