Atlas Grid Status - part 1 Jennifer Schopf ANL U.S. ATLAS Physics and Computing Advisory Panel Review Argonne National Laboratory Oct 30, 2001
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 2 Globus/Atlas Interactions GRAPPA/ Gardner Grid Data Access/Malon Magda/ Wenaus GridView and other Monitoring De, Schopf, Yu Condor (G) GRAM GSI MDS/ GIIS/GRIS GridFTP Replica Cat Replica Mgr PacMan/ Youssef Packaging
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 3 Globus Toolkit TM Core protocols and services Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Resource Access & Management MDS information service & monitoring GridFTP data access & transfer Data Grid technologies Replica catalog, replica management service Reliable file transfer Defacto-standard for Grid projects: GriPhyN, PPDG, NEES, EU DataGrid, ESG, Fusion Collaboratory, DISCOM, NASA IPG, NSF TeraGrid, DOE Science Grid, EU DataGrid, UK Grid Center, U.S. GRIDS Center, Access Grid, GridPort, MPICH-G2, Condor-G, GrADS, and others
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 4 Globus Status New release In alpha4 now, beta before SC ‘01 (Nov 15), 4Q01 release New packaging: enables modular binary and source distributions GRAM 1.5 (job submission): enhanced robustness MDS-2.1 (information service): security, better performance, etc. GridFTP- secure large file transfer Replica Mgt- Data management, catalogs for replicas Continuing work Community Authorization Services Reliable file transfer Java, other “Commodity Grid” toolkits
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 5 ATLAS GriPhyN/iVDGL GriPhyN funded Fall 2000, $11.9M/5 years iVDGL funded Fall 2001, 5 years, $13.65M/5 year Both involve ATLAS, CMS, Ligo and SDSS ATLAS support: 2.5 FTE IU, 1.5 FTE BU, $331K/5yr IU HW R. Gardner is the ATLAS lead, J. Schopf is the CS liaison GriPhyN proposal emphasizes virtual data requirements, collaboration between experiments iVDGL proposal emphasizes testbed and infrastructure issues across experiment
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 6 GriPhyN Principal ATLAS GriPhyN/iVDGL deliverables: 2001: Testbed with GriPhyN VDT 1.0, packaged with PacMan 2002: Serving DC1 data 2003: Dataset re-creation/Data signature Additional efforts: Monitoring: Dantong Yu, BNL, and J. Schopf,ANL, joint with PPDG GRAPPA: Rob Gardner and Randy Bramley, IU
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 7 GriPhyN Testbed Issues T GriPhyN is defining VDT 1.o q SW install for GriPhyN/PPDG, compatible with EDG as well q Globus 2.0 beta when it’s released (10/30) z GSI, GridFTP, MDS, repl, cat stuff, etc (Gram 1.5) q GDMP 2.0 (supports flat files) q Condor (also Condor-G, Dagman) T Extra tools for ATLAS q objectivity 6.1 q Magda T Still need to resolve CA issue between EDG and US test sites
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 8 GriPhyN ATLAS Goal 1 Serving DC1 Data (July-Dec 2002) T Limited reconstruction analysis job using grid job submission interface T Serving the data results form DC1 q As part of DC1, data must be tagged with meta data for ease of access Minimal keywords would be sufficient Magda already implements portions of this T Job submission with minimal smarts q Extend GRAPPA work q Move compute resources to data sites
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 9 GriPhyN ATLAS Goal 2 Dataset Re-creation (Jan-Sept 2003) T Goal: be able to re-create a data file T Need to evaluate what parameters need to be kept track of T Need to evaluate data needed for full data signature T Need to develop a metric for evaluating success - what is good enough?
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 10 GRAPPA: Grid Access Portal for Physics Applications Provide a point of access to ATLAS grid resources IU (Physics, CS), Northwestern (ECE), ANL (CS), BU (Physics), Provide a simple interface for physicists to submit and monitor jobs on the Grid Web-based as well as script-based Ability to “replay” Compatible with both ATLSim and Athena architecture Adaptable and/or “extensible” to new developments in Grid software, Athena, etc
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 11 GRAPPA Components User Interface Job submission Monitoring Bookkeeping Resource selection
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 12 Current Status Simple prototype that allows users to submit an Athena job from a web interface to the Condor pool on the Atlas IU cluster (via Globus) Next steps Adding more Athena functionality to the interface (e.g., user's defined libraries) Experiment with other job launch mechanisms Condor-G and DAGMAN description language Web Services Flow Language as a more general workflow description Explore interfaces for multiple metadata and replica catalog systems.
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 13 Grid-Enabled Data Access in Athena T David Malon, ANL T Integrate Grid Data Access techniques (Globus replica catalog and/or GDMP) into the Athena event selection module T When a file is needed, a check is done to see if the file is local q if not, use Grid Data Access tools to make it local
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 14 Grid-Enabled Data Access in Athena Athena and Globus Search Globus replica catalog and select Transfer file using the protocol associated with the location object in the catalog (gsiftp, https/globus-url-copy from a remote gass_server,...) Athena and GDMP Work to date uses GDMP 1.2.2, which had not yet incorporated the Globus replica catalog Uses the GDMP import/export catalogs Supports certain subscription-based approaches Automatically updates Objectivity/DB internal catalog when Objectivity database files are transferred
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 15 Status Paper presented at CHEP Prototype up and running on ANL systems GDMP-based prototype work done between CERN and Milan Next Steps: GDMP will use Globus data replica work Use GDMP to copy files Requirements and design work for interfaces between Athena data producers and metadata catalogs and replica management services (e.g., Magda) Metadata work – extending the Athena Event Selector properties to allow for data signature/virtual data
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 16 Monitoring Joint working group set up between PPDG and GriPhyN to investigate monitoring issues Led by J. Schopf and D. Yu Monitoring currently defined very broadly: Is this router configured correctly? Has the application finished using that file yet? What information do I need to determine where to run my application?
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 17 GridView (Kaushik De) T Tool to show the status of the 8 test bed machines on the web T Uses Globus GRAM to query sites every 30 mins T Hostname, Uptime, Idletime, # users, and Load average T Next steps include q Integration with Globus information service (MDS) q Visualization as part of cross PPDG/GriPhyN monitoring work
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 18
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 19 Application Level Monitoring (Taylor) Initial testbed to incorporate GRID monitoring capabilities into Athena Collaboration with Valerie Taylor, David Quarrie, and others Very long ramp-up due to difficulty of “outsiders” running an Athena application Working on developing an Auditor for Athena ml
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 20 Current Status Mailing list has been set up Defining usage cases Sensors Predictors Archiving Will gather requirements and look at extending Globus MDS as a common framework to meet these requirements
Oct 2001 Jennifer Schopf, ANL 21 Summary Globus GriPhyN/iVDGL Grappa Grid-Enabled Data Access Monitoring and Visualization