Swift HUG April Swift data archive Lorella Angelini HEASARC
Swift HUG April Swift Multi-wavelength observatory Burst Alert Telescope (BAT): keV –onboard computation of positions –arc-minute positional accuracy X-rays, UV, and optical afterglow follow up: – keV X-ray Telescope (XRT) – nm UV/Optical Telescope (UVOT) Launch 20 Nov Rapid response satellite - Rapid data dissemination made public immediately - 2 AO cycles (analysis of Swift data, follow-up observation, theoretical investigation) Collaboration USA/Italy/UK Science highlights : Discovered and/or follow-up 151 GRBs (23 from different satellite) Arcsec localization for short bursts ; Detected high redshift bursts Detection of GRB concident with a SN2006aj Discovered new phenomenology in the early afterglow lightcurves Build up the first hard X-ray survey Swift in senior review in 2006
Swift HUG April HEASARC responsibilities Populate and maintain the Swift science and calibration data archive Provide the following services –Public access to the Swift archive –Science data analysis software environment –Web server for the Swift Science Support Center –Database system for the Swift tables –Long-term archive Generate GRB summary products These responsibilities are documented in the Swift-HEASARC MOU –Technical agreement via ICD in place with the SDC, ISAC, BAT Team for the catalog delivery
Swift HUG April Archive general Swift archive contains –Science and HK data –High level Calibration file pre-post launch –Software for data analysis –Documentation (archive, software, calibration) Data are in FITS format OGIP standards – GIF and HTML used for products preview or to record processing No proprietary period for data –But check-out (~45 days) & verification mission phase (3 months) data were available only to the Swift team Archive co-located at HEASARC –Copy of the Science and HK data are sent to the Italian and UK data center
Swift HUG April Archive Standards HEASARC infrastructure used to ingest and distribute –Science & HK data & databases —Data access via the multi-mission Web Browse and FTP —Special Swift Web interface to facilitate searches by GRB name and sources within the BAT FOV —Data are in OGIP FITS standard –Software part of the HEAsoft package (knows as FTOOLS) — 7 releases since launch (1 every ~2 months) — Same software is used by the SDC pipeline processing –Calibration data in the HEASARC multi-mission Calibration database (CALDB) —Updates since launch : 7 BAT, 10 XRT, 8 UVOT
Swift HUG April Swift rapid data dissemination plan Data are downloaded via : – TDRSS. Series of messages after a trigger is detected on board. — broadcast via the GCN (minutes) —later archived as part of the final Swift archive (< a week) –Malindi. All the telemetry. About 6 -7 download per day Two processing types of the Malindi data (same pipeline software) –Quick look (output data is not part of the final archive): — Data processed every Malindi dump, e.g. the same observation is re- processed when new data arrive. — Data public in 3-6 hours after each dump (from FTP SDC). –Permanent archive: — Final processing after an observation (~ 1 day of data ) — Archived after all telemetry for observation is available ( < a week)
Swift HUG April Data delivery & Archive population Archive uses automated transfer and ingest protocols Transfer data & DBs from the processing site Ingest data into the physical archive and database system = > ensure small dead time Transfer & ingest protocols used by the European Data centers Backup done at the ingest time Archive populated from the start of the mission Since 1st April data are public (end of the verification phase) Physical archive and database system updated daily
Swift HUG April Content of the Physical Archive Total volume 1146 GB Average ingest 2.5 GB x day Observing Time percentage (April Dec ) GRB 63% ToO 9% Fill-in Targets 20 % Calibration 8% SectionGB#Seq Obervation Messages Trend 35NA Archive size * 1 Jan Mar 2006 Production data : –TDRSS messages (SDC) - by trigger number –Level 1,2,3 production data (SDC) - by observation –Monitoring & Calibration data (SDC/SSC) - by type & CALDB
Swift HUG April Recent reprocessing Current status : – First 3 months in 2005 used to test the reprocessing —SDC processing delivery at HEASARC for checking – Final version for these 3 months are ready –Instrument tables not quite ready – Other data centers currently copying the data – Plan is to reprocess 1 month at the time Data reprocessing : –All data taken so far will be reprocessed by the SDC –Latest Pipeline includes improvement implemented in the last year –New databases logging the 3 instrument configurations at the exposure or snapshot level are generated with the reprocessing
Swift HUG April Data downloads SDC higher download during first trimester compared to normal operation since first trimester was holding more than a week of data Overall HEASARC download increase with time Last trimester : 20% of the total HEASARC holdings (24 missions / 7 active) Swift is among the top 3 popular missions
Swift HUG April Downloads Demography US OTHER JAPAN Europe Russia China HEASARC only
Swift HUG April Future HEASARC will maintain the current level of activities and the current data ingest –Additional creation of the high level data products for GRB New high level data & databases are expected from Swift –Swift GRB catalog –Serendipitous survey from the BAT, XRT and UVOT The Swift catalog used for the HEASARC GRB name resolver