6 th Grade By:Hannah Chmielewski
Mrs.Tang Mrs.Tang is so nice she is like the best teacher ever + she is my reading teacher and she making reading fun I wish I could have Mrs.Tang forever
Mrs.Myers Mrs.Myers is can be nice but most of the time she is nice She is my writing teacher and but sometimes its like come on lets write because you know me I love to write
Mrs.McGrath So Mrs.McGrath is my math teacher I love math I love learning how to do new stuff in math its so much fun
Mr.Hebble Mr.Hebble is my social studies teacher and the cool thing is about social studies in his class is that we do projects in his class that are fun Mr.Hebble is quiet and moody (acts like it) but he his a lot of fun
Mr.Mihalyov Mr.Mihalyov is my science teacher I love doing so many experiments Mr.Mihalyov is so cool cause he lets us do experiments more then read in a text book its so cool
Students You have to be care full of who your friends with cause you never know if they are really your friend I have really good friends that are there for me and I am there for them