School Structure Team Concept Braves Dreamcatchers Wigwams Students Change Classes every 50 minutes Teacher Collaboration with team conferences Transition Get students Ready for Middle School Responsibility Agendas Physical Education Electives
Curriculum Five Common Core Classes English Math Science Social Studies Reading
Mathematics Major differences between previous years’ math class and sixth grade math Knowledge of basic math facts Students should not rely on fingers or dots on paper to complete math problems. Speed is of utmost importance. Please review basic facts over the summer. This will make their transition into 6th grade so much easier for your child. Increase in the amount of content to be mastered each nine weeks. Great math practice websites
5 Multiplication Fact Quiz
3 x 2 1
2 x 6 2
6 x 8 3
Reading Summer Reading Requirements: You will have the freedom to read most anything you want! We only have one book that we would like for you to read. All 6 th grade students will be asked to read the book Peak by Roland Smith. ***GRC students will receive more information about their summer reading through a letter sent by the GRC teacher.*** Characteristics of a Sixth Grade Reading Class: You will be asked to purchase two novels during the school year. Sixth Grade reading will focus on higher level thinking. You will be asked to analyze what you read and apply what you learn. You will learn many reading skills and strategies that you will be asked to utilize throughout the year. BRING YOUR BRAIN TO CLASS AND BE PREPARED TO USE IT!
Reading All students will be asked to read one book this summer. GRC students will have an additional book to read. You will receive more information about this in the form of a letter or you may pick up a copy of the information here tonight.
English Students should know how to: Write complete sentences with capital letters and end marks Indent paragraphs Concepts taught: Parts of speech Grammar Writing process with emphasis on persuasive writing Research process
Social Studies Characteristics of Sixth Grade social studies United States History from the late 1800s to Immigration, WWI, Roaring Twenties, Great Depression, WWII, Vietnam War, Cold War and War on Terrorism Critical thinking skills, map skills, and graph skills How do we learn? Role playing, simulations, reading and writing assignments Use of literacy strategies, vocabulary and graphic organizers
Science Characteristics of Sixth Grade Science Focus on application of scientific skills in Lab observations Real world problems Emphasis on critical thinking and math skills as they relate to science
Curriculum continued Physical Education Electives Band (entire year) Choir (entire year) Elective Class Offerings Computer Art Spanish Music Appreciation
What a Middle School Counselor Does Personal/Social Peer relationships and effective social skills Communication, problem- solving, decision-making and conflict resolution Substance abuse education Multicultural/diversity awareness Transition planning Career Career awareness, exploration and planning Connecting School with Career Academic Academic skills support Organizational, study and test-taking skills Education in understanding self and others Coping strategies Peer relationships and effective social skills Communication, problem- solving, decision-making and conflict resolution
Counseling Department: Prevention and Intervention Meet with parents to … Discuss Adolescent Development, grades, academic difficulties, and create solutions Address safety concerns – such as harassment & bullying Provide appropriate referrals when needed Remain available to parents whenever needed to assist with any concern ! Meet with students to… Listen to feelings, concerns, opinions Help students learn problem solving skills Create a plan to improve grades and/or behavior Prepare for middle school Explore interests and strengths Teach about life skills – careers, college, etc Help students understand and cope with change Help students make and keep friends
Counseling Department: Prevention and Intervention Meet with teachers to… Discuss student needs and help formulate strategies Integrate counseling components with academics Provide instructions in dealing with crisis Suicide threat, abuse reporting, bullying issues, etc. Gain an understanding of student behavior(s) Contribute to parent conferences Assist with any other needs Provide classroom resources (such as speakers, DVDs, etc.) I’m here to meet your needs! Contact me anytime during the school year! Counselor’s Office Phone Main Office Phone
Other Information Library Computer Lab INOW Textbooks Cell Phones Dress Code 6 th Grade Supply List
Health Room Information Blue Immunization Cards – Tdap for all students 11 yrs. Old and up to enter 6 th grade. Physician/Parent Authorization Form –Diet Rx Health Room Visits Medication Policy August 2 nd Schedule Pick-up Day
Car Rider Procedures Bus Loading Area Enter Here for Pick-up or Drop-Off
Registration The registration link for TSGC’s online registration can also be found on our website. Registration Packets will be available in the office beginning the 2 nd week of May.
Registration June 12 th -August 2 nd Office will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 – 1:00 beginning June 12 th. There will be no registration the week of the 4 th of July holiday. Everyone must register at the school office. Verify residence (SCBOE Policy) Bring in Student Residence Form Two (2) forms of proof (example: water or power bill) Updated Blue Form Pay fees and donations Schedule Pick-up Day is August 2 nd anytime from 8:00 – 12:00.