1968- Present Political and Social History of Europe Mrs. Craig
Economic Crisis!!! Early 1970’s Oil!!! OPEC Reaction to Middle East Wars between Egypt and Israel Inflation- mid- 1970’s Stagflation= unexpected economic slow down +high inflation
Economic Crisis- (continued) A direct result of high oil process and spiraling prices for other goods (sound familiar????) Iran Islamic Revolution ended Iran’s oil production and helped to create high prices worldwide
Results of Economic Crisis Social change– women began to work outside the home out of necessity Students in 1980’s became “conservative”– jobs became the major concern in contrast to 1960’s students as liberal thinkers.
Germany –split after WWII –West Germany– Willy Brandt president 1969 –Instituted firm 2 party system –Instituted liberalism and political tolerance –Made W. Germany a true world power again –Helped create friendly economic climate –Established relations with E Germany
“Détente” Gradual easing of Cold War tensions Foreign policy of the Brezhnev years
Helsinki Accord Between Nixon and Brezhnev To relax nuclear arms race– set limits Nixon’s withdrawal from Vietnam paved was for better US-USSR relations Included a Human rights clause-which Brezhnev ignores Will form basis for unrest in Eastern Bloc when they want Helsinki Accord enforced.
Late 1970’s-Tensions Increase Soviet invasion of Afghanistan- refutes “Détente” policy “Solidarity” uprising in Gdansk, Poland Lech Walesa- electrician in shipyard Martial law imposed in Poland
Strain develops in NATO Members can’t agree on condemnation/action on Afghanistan or Poland NATO gets revitalized after Iran Hostage Crisis Reagan gets support to strengthen mid-range missile capabilities NATO survives 70’s ad 80’s to emerge a formidable organization & helps encourage Fall of Berlin Wall 1989
Soviet Bloc:1968-present Krushchev’s small de-stalinization encouraged several Eastern Bloc Satellites Czechoslovakia voted Alex. Dubcek president- a reformer Called ”Prague Spring” Reform program popular! Censorship relaxed Communist Party uses democracy within party-economic reform welcome.
Brezhnev dies in 1982! Had re-Stalinized but used coercion instead of terror Standard of living had improved during Brezhnev years Dissenters had been severely punished– yet westerners saw social changes occurring in USSR “while Brezhnev Slept”
“WHILE BREZHNEV SLEPT” Growth of urban population More education, better job skills, increased sophistication # of highly trained scientists, managers, specialists increase 4-fold from Education fostered public opinion- people read! Then wanted change!!! (triumph of the intelligensia!!!)
Prague Spring put down! USSR afraid would encourage other liberal gov’t reforms in Eastern Bloc After Dubcek refuses to stop liberalization– flown to Moscow– publicly force to “knuckle under” Prague Spring led to “Brezhnev Doctrine”- Soviets and allies have right to intervene in any socialist country whenever they see cause.
Brezhnev dies 1982!!! Succession of OLD Soviet leaders- reward the hard liners from the Stalin era who survived those years Andropov-former Stalin aide and KGB head Chernyenko-lasted only few months Gorbachev- first non-revolution leader
Gorbachev Represents new Communist regime Perestroika- -economic change Glasnost- openness Withdrew troops from Afghanistan Encouraged reform in Poland Sought to reduce East –West tension Repudiated Brezhnev Doctrine Pledged to respect political choices of Eastern Bloc
Poland- Solidarity Resurfaces as a political force in mid 1970s Lech Walesa-shipyard Gdansk “Polish Miracle”- appointment of Polish Pope- John Paul II 1979 Helped fuel Polish Nationalism that Communist has failed to extinguish Membership in Solidarity increases 9.5 million members in 1981
Poland- Solidarity (continued) Catholic Church supported Solidarity Soviets could not put down militarily Poles wanted enforcement of human rights clause in Helsinki Agreement Gdansk Agreement-minor government concessions Dec 1981-Plish leader Gen. Jaruzelki struck middle of night– Martial Law!!! Solidarity goes underground
Velvet Revolutions of 1989 Poland- led the way with Solidarity; became legalized party; negotiated sharing of power; free elections Hungary next!- tore down Iron Curtain on Austrian border—opened for E German emigres West Germany- opens Berlin Wall Czechoslovakia- Dec.- ousted Communists in 10 days
Velvet Revolutions Romania- only violent revolution Nicolae Ceausecu ordered forces to open fire on demonstrators Ceausecu and wife captured, tried and executed by military court - Xmas 1989 Gorbachev’s reforms led to break up of Soviet Union