1 Claverley COE School Parent/Carer Questionnaire Results Summer Term - June 2014
Questionnaire Objective 2 Purpose/Objective: To evaluate the overall school performance, and seek opportunities for further improvement & development where possible. Method: A questionnaire was sent out to all the school children’s Parents/Carers in May The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions where a measured response was required, and 3 open ended questions where respondents were asked to provide detailed information. Total no. of Families in the School77 *Total no. of completed questionnaires30 Overall % response rate39% * Total number of children represented in the completed questionnaire’s = 37
3 Questionnaire for school year Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know Not Applicable 1) The school has a happy atmosphere 63% 34% 3%--- 2) The school provides a safe environment for my child 60% 40% --- 3) I am made to feel welcome when I come into school 77% 20% 3%--- 4) It is easy to approach school with questions/problems to do with my child 63% 37%---- 5) School expects my child to work hard & achieve his/her best at all times 50% ) Staff and pupils respect and trust each other 53% 47%---- 7) The school is well led and managed 63% 37%---- 8) Parents are encouraged to play an active part in School life 37% 63%---- 9) Newsletters are helpful and informative 63% 34% 3%--- 10) School reports and parent evenings keep me well informed about how my child is progressing 57% 43% ) My child is making good progress at school 50% ) Pupils get help to do their best when they need it, and the right level of support is provided 23% 71% 3%- - 13) My child gets the right amount of school work to do at home 23% 77% ) The school provides interesting range of activities, clubs and sports outside of lessons 37% 63% ) My child likes going to school 53% 47% ) My child is treated fairly at school 63% 37% ) My child does not have a problem with bullying/or exclusion by peers. 36% 50% 7% ) The overall behaviour in the school is good 37% 60%-- 3%- 19) School buildings are kept in good order 40% 60% ) The school is well thought of in the local community 50% 43%-- 7%-
Answers with a positive response rate of over 60% I am made to feel welcome when I come into school 77% The school has a happy atmosphere63% It is easy to approach school with questions/problems to do with my child 63% The school is well led and managed 63% Newsletters are helpful and informative 63% My child is treated fairly at school 63% Top answers that received a “Strongly Agree” response Top answers that received an “Agree” response My child gets the right amount of school work to do at home 77% Pupils get help to do their best when they need it, and the right level of support is provided 70% Parents are encouraged to play an active part in School life 63% The school provides interesting range of activities, clubs and sports outside of lessons 63%
Overall Response Categories 5 As you can see from the Chart below, the overall response category types were very positive, with zero “Strongly Disagree” responses and also zero “Not Applicable” responses. % Respondents per school year Responses to the survey were received across all the year groups, so there was some representation across the entire School, from Reception to Year 6 The highest responders were Parents/Carers for the ‘Reception’ and ‘Year 5’ children The lowest responders were for ‘Year 6’ children (which can be expected as this is the final year in the school), and also for ‘Year 4’ children
6 School Communication, Resources and after School Clubs/Activities
7 COMMUNICATION QUE: Is the Communication between School and Parents/Carers: 1)Too Much 2)Not Enough 3)Just right There was an overall majority of respondents that believe the Communication between School and Parents/Carer’s is just at the right level. There were some additional comments provided by the few respondents that thought there was “not enough” communication, which are documented below: Info on Community Services relevant to Children/Parents/Carers, (ie: Messy Church/Youth Club/Local Childminders) Sometimes communication has been last minute Positive Responses regarding Communication were as follows: Like the text message reminders School news letter has variety of subjects already The Head Teachers section of the newsletter is excellent Like the weekly sport report by Mrs Harris, and future events list is helpful
8 School Resources When Parents/Carers were asked whether they felt that there were adequate school resources over 65% believed that there are adequate resources within the School. The remaining 35% of respondents provided suggestions for additional resources and these fell mainly into the following 3 categories - Educational More library books Musical resources Language resources Sport New football kits Cricket equipment Playtime/Outdoor equipment Permanent swimming lessons Cycling proficiency Equal sporting opportunities for both Boys and Girls Technology iPADs Laptops
9 After School Clubs & Extra Curricula Activities Overall there were 19 respondents whom reported that they use the after school clubs (this is represented as 63% of the total). There were a number of suggestions & idea’s provided by both those that use the currently available after school clubs as well as those that do not, and all suggestions are documented below - As you can see the most popular activities are: Cookery Dance/Zumba (Street Dance has also been suggested) Languages Music Other items for Improvement: o Guidance for Parents on home teaching o 1:2:1 teaching for children that need extra support o More reading in school
10 Survey Conclusion o Overall it is clear to see that from the feedback of the survey the Parents/Carers are happy with the School, with the majority of responses being positive with either “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” answers given. o We would have liked the overall response rate to have been somewhat higher as this would have given a better representation of the School. However we do feel that this was a good opportunity for Parents/Carers to feedback, and therefore we are hoping that anyone who had some information to share has done so, and next year we should look to significantly improve on the response rate. o There have been some good suggestions provided for the after school clubs and activities and it may be prudent to research into the more popular idea’s & activities and look into piloting some of these clubs in Sept 2014 o There maybe some comments which require additional information, and this could be gathered as a secondary/follow-up action The key next steps are highlighted on the final slide
Next Steps 11 Discuss with School Govenors Review feedback results Discuss suggestions & recommendations for improvement Agree on action items & owners Feedback to Parents/Carers Display results in the School newsletter or create separate letter? Work Items Display results in School? Conduct feasibility for potential solutions? Implement any agreed solutions? Update school performance plan?