Objective – Consider what is needed to be ready to parent Completed Lesson Plan due now. Chart Your Course due Monday. Pick up new handout (to add to your computerized baby signature list) and your laptop While you wait for us to begin… log onto wiki
Enduring Understandings Parenthood involves many various commitments, including a financial commitment. While it is worth it, the financial commitment requires planning.
Prepared to Parent Ready and willing to provide everything a child needs to reach his or her optimal development, physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually.
Is She Ready to be a Quality Parent? 21 years old Lives with parents, one is an alcoholic Has trouble with her boyfriends – she likes to always get her way and she gets bored with the same guy after a couple months Owes $5000 for her car Works part time at the Shore Stop. Her boss is mad because she is often late and calls in sick. “Babies are so cute” and “I like the attention I would get.” My baby would be dressed the best!
Ready to Parent Requires: Record the areas you think are important.
Ready to Parent Requires: Relationship Readiness Time Management Skills Quality Environment Financial Readiness Career Plans Physical Readiness
Pre- Conception Care It is not good enough to wait until you know you are pregnant…. Unhealthy lifestyles before pregnancy can cause harm to future children.
Every Year in U.S. One Million Women Do Not Receive Prenatal Care Their babies are 3 times more likely to be low birth weight and 5 times more likely to die Shirley Secrest RN CNM CCE Peninsula Regional Medical Center
Are YOU ready to parent James or Jasmine? James Michael Bennett Jasmine Marie Bennett Ready to Parent Requires: Relationship Readiness Time Management Skills Quality Environment Financial Readiness Career Plans Physical Readiness Relationships - with people at school – staff and students, no S or ISI, Pd 7 teacher, bus driver, no FACS dept referrals Time management – passed term 1, no ISI… Quality Environment- smoke free Financial – all borrowed books returned, not on JMB fine list, bring in 1 new item for infant service project Career – complete pre and post test, + reflection Physical – Stay well to be in school on your delivery day. Stay awake the day after
What does it cost to deliver a healthy baby? With Insurance: From Under $500 to $3,000 or more Vaginal Without Insurance: $9,000-$17,000 C-Section Without Insurance: $14,000-$25,000 delivery.html
What does a baby cost? Why do you need health insurance before you get pregnant? The following link assumes you have health insurance. Let’s look at it together. (Don’t forget to hover over the pie chart)
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What does a baby cost? You need some savings You need to be caught up on debt You need health insurance for the mother and for the child You need life insurance (5 to 8 times your yearly income) You need an income (have you worked at the job long enough to have paid sick leave?) You may need a different vehicle You may need a different home or neighborhood You will need to provide food, diapers, clothes, books, games, gifts, recreation, etc.
What does a baby cost? New parents spend on average $6,000 to get the initial supplies for the baby. To raise a child to the age of 18 it costs $150,000 - $220,000 depending on your lifestyle. Need more data? –The cost of raising a child – check this outThe cost of raising a child – check this out
Laptop Time:
Two Sides!!
HRM – DVD – Parenthood: Are You Prepared Warmup – pretest DVD – add notes to your unit notes Reflection – Activity 8 – Reasons to Become a Parent Class consensus: –Most valid –Least valid
Extended Research – What would you buy? Complete the steps of the Layette Project.
How will I pay for the costs of prenatal care, delivery and other needs of my baby? Depend on Government Assistance Purchase private health insurance Prepare to find a job with health care benefits Add family coverage to your spouse’s health insurance Other… Make this decision part of your pre-conception planning