What will we learn today? What will we learn today? 10.9.7 Analyze the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the weakness of the command.


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Presentation transcript:

What will we learn today? What will we learn today? Analyze the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the weakness of the command economy, burdens of military commit­ ments, and growing resistance to Soviet rule by dissidents in satellite states and the non-Russian Soviet republics. Take out and continue working on your study guide

Unit 8 Cold War Test Online Practice Test Notebooks Due Study Guide Road Map Essay Question Graphic Organizer

Explain reforms in Poland and Hungary Summarize changes in Germany Describe democratic change in Czechoslovakia

Essential Question How the collapse of the Soviet Union affect Eastern Europe?

The collapse of the Soviet Union brought about many changes in former satellite nations. Reform movements resulted in many countries breaking free from Communist forms of government. The end of the Cold War also allowed for Germany to reunify.

A period of time when workers stop work in order to force an employer to agree to their demands When the factory owner refused to increase their wages, the workers went on strike.

To make something whole again Our goal is to reunify this family by returning the children to their parents.

Gorbachev  More open to reforms in Eastern Europe than Brezhnev had been. Poland was one of the first countries to take advantage of this 1980  Polish shipyard workers went on strike and demanded that the govt. recognize their union, Solidarity

The Solidarity movement continued to grow in popularity, as an economic crisis spread Solidarity was legalized and free elections held in 1989 Voters overwhelmingly voted against Communist candidates and instead chose Solidarity candidates. Poland, no longer under Soviet control, moved to a free market economy

1989  In response to an increased number of escapes from East Germany, the East German government closed its borders entirely. Protests broke out all over East Germany

Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” To try to restore stability and preserve Communist control, the East German leader allowed people to leave the country Nov  Berlin Wall torn down and Berliners celebrated Reagan The Hoff

The fall of communism in Eastern Germany led many to push for the reunification of Germany This made some countries nervous But the Germans assured world leaders that Germany had learned from the past and was now committed to democracy

Oct  Thousands gathered in Prague to demand democracy Nov  Thousands more protest Both protests ended with a brutal Communist crackdown Harsh govt. response only angered people

Hundreds of thousands gathered to demand an end to Communist rule Dec  Communist rule came to an end 1993  Czechoslovakia split into 2 separate nations: Czech Republic and Slovakia

Essential Question Which country’s solidarity union movement of the 1980’s became the main force of opposition to Communist rule?

Essential Question How did the East German government respond to the rising number of escape attempts from East Germany?

Essential Question What demand did Reagan issue to Gorbachev?

Essential Question When was the Berlin Wall torn down?

Essential Question Were the protests against Communist rule in Czechoslovakia successful?

Essential Question What two countries did Czechoslovakia split into in 1993?

Each person’s question is answered by another person’s card. As a team, you will put the cards in order. First team to put cards in order correctly wins

Unit 8 Cold War Test Online Practice Test Notebooks Due Study Guide Road Map Essay Question Graphic Organizer