The Conservative 1980’s The 1980s see the rise of neoconservatives in America politics and government. This group challenges most liberal domestic and foreign policies and favors laissez-faire capitalism. By 1980 the Republicans recover from Nixon’s resignation and Ford’s loss to Carter in The candidate, former actor and governor of California, easily defeats Carter. Reagan promises to reduce the federal budget and bureaucracy and give more authority to the states. He slashes social programs that he sees as relics of a “welfare state” and seeks deep tax cuts. His supply-side economics has uneven results and does not dent unemployment. A staunch anti-communist, Reagan uses US troops for operations against leftist group and governments in the Western Hemisphere-in some cases, critics contend, violating the law. A staunch anti-communist, Reagan uses US troops for operations against leftist groups and governments in the Western Hemisphere. George H. W. Bush’s most significant accomplishment is his organization of Operation Desert Strom, which drives the invading Iraq army from Kuwait. Bush is unable to address the nations economic troubles.
I. Republican Revolution A.Election of “Social Engineering” 2.“Common Man” v Big Govt. a.neoconservatives 3.Kennedy…er..Carter was on defensive. a. Spotty record B.Reagan Revolution 1.“New Right”and “boll weevils” a.Led by “Moral Majority” b.Focused on social concerns
II. Reagan’s 1 st Term A.Economy “Reaganomics” 1.Cut federal budget 2.Cut taxes 3.Proposition 13 and the Tax Revolt 4.“Supply-side economics” B.Results 1.Reagan recession 2.Economic recovery by 1983 a.Huge deficits on defense spending b.Soaring value of the dollar c.Gap between rich and poor (Yuppies) C.Tensions with Soviet Union 1.Strategic Defense Initiative (“SDI”) 2.“Solidarity”in Poland 3.KAL 007 D.Middle East E.Latin America 1.“leftist” Sandinista govt in Nicaragua 2.“Marxists” rebels in Grenada
III. Reagan’s 2 nd Term A. Election of Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro B. Foreign Policy 1.Gorbachev, 1985 a. Glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) 2.INF Treaty, Iran-Contra Controversy C.Domestic 1.Pro-life v. Pro-choice battles 2.Economic downturn spurred by S&L failures 3.“Black Monday” in October 1987 D.Election 1988
IV. Mixed Results of Bush A. Foreign Policy 1.Tiananmen Square 2.Iron Curtain falls a.Poland, 1989 b.Germany unites, 1990 c.USS “were”, 1991 d.START II e.New World Order 3.Invasion of Panama, Gulf War-37 days, 1991 a.Desert Storm B.Domestic Programs 1.ADA 2.Clarence Thomas 3.Stagnant economy a. “No new taxes”