Western Regional Pollution Prevention Network Energy Efficiency Cal Broomhead Department of Environment City and County of San Francisco sfenvironment.org
Energy Efficiency Is Important Reduces Global Warming Reduces local air pollution from power plants Reduces security risk of energy supply Reduces individual energy bills Improves the local economy Provides jobs
Improves Reliability
Principles of Energy Efficiency Proper maintenance of existing equipment Equipment turned off when not needed Equipment turned down to match loads High efficiency equipment Automatic controls optimize performance
Where to Look Lighting Motors, Pumps, Fans, Compressors Chillers Refrigeration Hot water Steam Process heat Other appliances – plug load
Signs of poor maintenance: Ballasts still using energy but provide no light
Fans and heaters correct a deficient HVAC system
Lights On When Not Needed
High Light Levels Unnecessary and Undesirable Photo courtesy of NREL
Light Sources Inefficient T12Efficient T8
Light Fixtures Photos courtesy of NREL Inefficient- no reflectorEfficient-w/reflector
Benefits to the Owner Reduces maintenance problems Reduces complaints by improving comfort Reduces loads on existing distribution system Improves reliability Improves indoor air quality Improves visual comfort Improves safety and code compliance Improves value of the facility Makes facility users happier Reduces energy bills
Resources Pacific Energy Center (PG&E) // San Diego Regional Energy Office // American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy at // Home Energy at //homeenergy.org
Energy Star
Vampire Loads