To write a GOOD character description you could try some of the following techniques in your writing.
Adjectives to describe Use adjectives to describe the physical details of a character. His scaly, wrinkled nose sniffed the air.
Nouns to fit the personality of the character Clothes, particularly need to match the personality of the character. Scruffy, torn trousers
Interesting adjectives Makes the writing better with imaginative words. Leathery,crinkled
Negative description Detailing what is not there is an effective way of making a reader aware of what a character may lack. He had no jacket, no shoes, no umbrella and no sense.
Stream of consciousness What someone is thinking. Saying things that are in a character’s head aloud. I’ve got to decide…. but I can’t….. what shall I do?
Movement The way a character moves gives much away about their personality or feelings. Shoulders hunched, feet dragging he shuffled towards the darkened windows of home.
Metaphor States something IS something else. Saucepan eyes glared at him.
Simile Uses comparison to add description His knees shook like twanged guitar strings.
Unusual feature A limp or scar can tell a story behind a character. Across his hand lay a jagged scar.