Origins of Islam
Muhammad taught that Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were each prophets, but that Jews and Christians had misunderstood their teachings. Many of the poor who heard Muhammad’s message accepted it because he called for social justice and equality. A great number of powerful leaders and rich merchants, however, rejected Muhammad's message. They saw him has a threat to their economic security.
Within a century, Islam spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Muslims even conquered parts of Spain. Their military campaigns were inspired by a desire to spread Islam, and for some, a desire for wealth and power. Due to divisions in Christianity, many former Christians in North Africa actually welcomed the new religion.
IIslam allowed a certain degree of religious tolerance (letting people practice the religion of their choice). JJews and Christians continued practicing their faith under Islamic rule. AAlthough Islam taught that these religious were misguided, Muslims believed that they directed people towards the one, true God. UUnlike much of the Christian world, the Muslims empire experienced a time of enlightenment during the middle ages.
Muslim scholars embraced the ideas of the ancient Greeks and Romans. They translated many works and collected knowledge from all over the world. Rather than rejecting ancient teachings as a threat to their faith, they studied and tested them. While Europe struggled through the dark ages, Muslims advanced greatly in medicine, science, mathematics, literature, and philosophy. Many of the ideas taught by Muslims later inspired the Italian Renaissance in Europe.
An Islamic Golden Age lasted from 750 to Advances in Islamic learning inspired the European Renaissance. The city of Mecca became a major economic center, helping Islam expand. Literacy was, for the first time, widespread among the populations of the Middle East. In 1258, the Islamic city of Baghdad was attacked, conquered, and destroyed by the Mongols, a dynasty from central Asia. The Islamic Golden Age began to draw to a close.