World Religions Islam
Islam Submission to God. Peace
Origin Arabia 622 A.D.., Newest monotheistic religion
History Trace Origins back to Abraham and son Ishmael Muhammad is creator of Islam and most important prophet
God One all powerful God Allah
Sacred Book Quran (Koran, Qur’an) God’s word revealed to Muhammad through angel Gabriel Mosques Houses of worship
Major Beliefs One all powerful God Compassionate God, Justice Muhammad was prophet of Islam Five Pillars of Islam
No God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger (Shahadah) Daily prayer (5 times a day) must face Mecca (Salat) Must give alms charity (Zakat)
Five Pillars of Islam Fast from sun up to sun down during month of Ramadan (Saum) Travel to Mecca once in lifetime (Hajj)
Three sects of Islam Sunni Elected person Shi’ites Descendent of Muhammad Wahabism Militant form
Definitions Jihad Struggle Fundamentalist A movement or attitude that stresses strict interpretation Militants Aggressively active, engaged in warfare or combat
Three levels of Jihad Personal Jihad Purify soul of sin Verbal Jihad Defend Allah verbally Physical Jihad Combat waged in defense of enemies of Allah
Today Location Africa and Asia It is one of the fastest growing religion in the US